Replumb home how many?

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I am going to replumb a 14 by 70 home with 2 full baths just under the home and was wondering how many fittings and pipe I should buy to cover it all since I dont want to go back and forth to the store to keep getting parts. Thanks for the help in adavance.
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Hi dwj,

There is no way I can answer you question at all! I think the pro plumbers here would need a little more information. Different homes have different plumbing. Nothing is standard so much in the mobile home world.

Also, you didn't mention what your using to replumb your home with. Different products make a big difference.

Prepare yourself though, even us seasoned DIYers run back and forth to the store for parts!

Maureen 8)
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Hi Maureen thanks for the response. You are right I was looking for a round about idea but it is hard to do.
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Hi dwj,

We've replumbed lot's of homes and I could not give you a parts list that would not send you back to the store. And as Maureen said, every home can be different. Sometimes you have the room to make the radius, sometimes you don't. Even more likely, plumbers can be very different in how they approach a job with PEx.

Even sitting here trying to count them out in my head is hard because I lose track. We buy the different fittings in bags of 50 and keep stocked. The best thing to do is look at your job and plan out what you are going to do, buy a bunch more than that and plan a trip to the store for returns, if you go to that kind of store (HD Lowe's etc.)

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I have a question when you re-plumb do you glue the fittings together if you don't us fast connects or shark bite. I was told to not use any type of glue when working with Pex's is that true??
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Yes, that is true. what they told you, what ever you do, no glue.

by JD, 2007 CR
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All information and advice given is for entertainment and informational purposes only. The person doing the work is solely responsible to insure that their work complies with their local building code and OSHA safety regulations.
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