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Is this legal?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:37 pm
by LisaBoyer
Technically, this isn't "repair"...but it wasn't off topic, either, or so I thought.

If the post doesn't belong here, I won't be offended at all if the mods move it :) I just received a notice, from the city, stating that our park is in violation of code, and constitutes a health risk to the city sewer system...and...if this isn't fixed, and passes inspection, by March 1, our water will be turned off. The entire park. Can the city do this?

Legally, it doesn't seem right, but I understand the health concerns. I also found out the park manager was trying to resolve the issue himself, and unable to do so, for the past couple of weeks...I will reserve my thoughts and comments on that man, for now.

We have never lived in a park, or anywhere, that we paid rent, so legally, Im not sure of where we stand, but it doesn't seem right. I can buy drinking water, that is not my concern, but there are over 50 homes here, and telling everyone, sorry, your toilets will no longer, now what? Do we contact the park manager, owner, or legal counsel?

I spoke with Code Enforcement, who seemed highly annoyed with the park owner, since this has been going on for some time. I am hoping to hear from others who have more experience with life in a park, and tell us what we can expect, or what we should be doing.

Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:26 pm
by Alien7up
Hi Lisa,

It is the owner's responsibility for the repairs and in some sense its not the business of the residents in the park to know.. unless its a health hazzard to you. what i mean is its between the owner and the city...however the city is fed up with him so now they have given everyone notice that the water is being turned off. I would contact the city and threaten them with legal action unless its a health hazzard for the residents and the city is trying to protect you all..

Then i would have an emergency meeting with the home owners in the park go from there and if that means getting a lawyer and contacting the news media <---- 8)

In my park we have over 260 mobile homes and its over 47yrs old and never had issues. or let me say if there was any problems the owner is on top of it. which we find out thru the grapevine :-)

Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:02 pm
by Greg
I hate to answer a question with a question but how big of a can of worms do you want to open?
On one hand you you have your health (at the very least) to think of, but if the boat get rocked too much the owner can simply close the park.

I personally think I would sit back for a few days and see how it plays out. You could contact the owner and express your concerns in a non threatening (for now) manor and get their side.


Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:54 pm
by Alien7up
Greg, good advice i think your right.. up here in Alberta Canada the owner has to give us 1yr notice so good advice since the laws in the usa are not the same as here.

Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:59 pm
by Greg S
You might even get together as a community and offer the owner your support. What ever happens it is inevitable so you might as well try and work together as a community with the owner to solve the problem. Pointing a finger of blame rarely solves problems..

Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:20 pm
by Alien7up
no follow up?

Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:54 am
by LisaBoyer
Sorry for the delay, things have been a bit nuts around here.

We live in a very small city, (not sure it actually IS a city, only 2400 population), and after talking with the park owner, it appears this was politics at work.

City Hall, is run by someone that would like the park owner to use a recommended contractor for updating the plumbing that attaches the park to city water. And apparently, this person will stoop to scare tactics to force her hand, including passing out flyers that the water will be shut off. We are new here, and I was told this is not the first attempt at trying to frighten the residents into action against the park owner. Politics. We the little people, are being used as playing pieces in an evil chess game.

City code enforcing had no business telling the residents of the impending shut off..that is between the owner and the city. If the owner felt we should be notified, it is up to him to take the next step. (I found this out through legal channels) The water was not shut off, and indeed, the effect was almost as they hoped..several residents were up in arms and marched into the managers office with pitchforks in hand. (We are not the only new residents here)

Thanks for all the replies, being a newcomer to park living, I knew someone here would respond with helpful advice :)

Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:22 am
by Greg S
It is unfortunate but there will always be a small segment of society willing to take up arms without wanting to know the facts first. The reality is they do not do it to defend their rights they do it to elevate their own importance in the eyes of others.
As a landlord I would expect the residents to come to me with questions not threats and generally strongly encourage those tenants prone to adversarial tendencies to live elsewhere.

Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:42 am
by Greg
It sounds to me like like the owner should turn the tables and contact the media to expose a "problem" with city hall, perhaps a crooked politician (how could that happen in today's world :o :evil: ).


Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:14 pm
by Alien7up
good to hear lisa, i was thinking the same thing between the owner and city :-) anyways i hope things settle.

Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:24 am
by LisaBoyer
Greg S,
The reality is they do not do it to defend their rights they do it to elevate their own importance in the eyes of others.
Wrong. At least in the situation that I spoke about. I think when you tell someone they will lose water, or electricity, they have every right to be upset, when the fault is not their own. This particular incident, had nothing to do with self importance, and everything to do with "Oh Heck!, we won't have a working toilet!!!!"


Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:45 pm
by Greg S
The water was not shut off, and indeed, the effect was almost as they hoped..several residents were up in arms and marched into the managers office with pitchforks in hand. (We are not the only new residents here)

The above statement of yours clearly supports what I said. Intelligent people will inquire into the facts before "taking up arms" simply because they heard upsetting news. Obviously they jumped to the conclusion the park owner was at fault and without bothering to first gather the facts formed a lynch mob. The mob mentality is generally driven by glory seekers.

Brings to mind the story of Chicken Little.

Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:12 am
by LisaBoyer
The above statement of yours clearly supports what I said. Intelligent people will inquire into the facts before "taking up arms" simply because they heard upsetting news. Obviously they jumped to the conclusion the park owner was at fault and without bothering to first gather the facts formed a lynch mob. The mob mentality is generally driven by glory seekers.

Brings to mind the story of Chicken Little.[quote][/quote]

This is what happens when you paint everyone with one brush. Seeking "glory"? We will just agree to disagree, I call it concern over a working toilet, not looking for accolades and fanfare.
I certainly can think of many other ways, in a positive light, to achieve glory.

My writing was not literal, obviously. People didn't march into the office armed to kill. Did you assume people had not sought out facts? Since I didn't write about that, how would you know? Sounds like you did some jumping on your own.

I wrote here, because my husband and myself are new to this lifestyle and I was seeking some input. Thank you for adding your two cents to the mix. As to the Chicken Little doesn't warrant a reply. I realize forums are public domain, and anyone with a keyboard can type a response, but I would consider it a great service to myself at least, if you would refrain from doing so on anything I write. I don't feel them to be helpful, but more argumentative in nature, perhaps seeking a little glory of your own?

Re: Is this legal?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:16 pm
by ponch37300
Personally if there was a chance the water could be turned off I would appreciate the city informing me if the owner hadn't. It may be a matter between the park owner and the city but in the end it affects the tenants.

There was a park a few miles form me that about 6-8 years ago had water and sewer issues and the city gave them so long to fix things. They didn't and just shut the park down. It's a big empty field today. The park was kind of trashy and I don't know what the exact issue was but they obviously felt the cost to brings things up to code wasn't worth it.