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Coleman Presidential 6806A732

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:11 pm
by RabbitMeadows
Mobile home furnace is making a louder than usual noise. Heat is coming out of the nearby registers and cold air out of the registers at the far ends of the home. Temp is in the 20's outside, at either end of the home the temp is around 45 degrees.
I had a repairman out to see if it might be an easy fix. Just by listening he said it was the bearings and I needed a new motor at around $400.

First: Does this diagnosis sound right?
Second: I'm pretty handy and if I could buy a motor and pretty much "plug and play" I'd be open to a DIY project. Is this a complicated installation?
Third: Where would I purchase a new Coleman motor?

Re: Coleman Presidential 6806A732

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:53 pm
by DaleM
Most of these blower motors have welded on brackets. You could take the entire assembly in to a heating supply house or Grainger to see if they can match up a motor. Not too tough a job to replace it.