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I hear something crawling/scratching around above ceiling!

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:02 pm
by Librarian Linda
Help! I've been hearing some sort of critters crawling, scratching, or dancing in the ceiling. Don't imagine there is much space up there, and there is no known access. What can I do? I bought those little electronic devices that are supposed to send waves through the electrical system that annoy pests and drive them away. Hasn't done the trick (no surprise, really). The house has not been inspected underneath for at least 11 years, when the previous owner passed away. I'm a girl needing a knee replacement and there is no way I'm crawling under there, even without a bum knee! Would it help any to open the access doors and open boxes of moth balls and roll them in? With the walls as thin as they are, I assume the ceilings are thin as well. I'm expecting some creature to drop down from the ceiling at any minute--there's been a lot of scratching! My cat is severely stressed, as am I! Any thoughts??

Re: I hear something crawling/scratching around above ceilin

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:22 pm
by Greg S
I use rat poison placed under the home in a proper poison container that larger animals, like cats, can not get into. The poison dehydrates the mice/chipmunks leaving virtually no smell just bones and a ball of fur.

Re: I hear something crawling/scratching around above ceilin

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:44 am
by Greg
Hi & welcome. Is it possible that you are hearing critters on the roof? I have had birds hopping on ours that sounds like they are in the ceiling.


Re: I hear something crawling/scratching around above ceilin

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:25 pm
by Librarian Linda
Thank you for your responses!! I've also wondered if it is possible that they are on the roof, but of course, I mostly hear the noise late at night. Perhaps I will go out with a bright light to see if I can see anything on the roof. Otherwise I'll give the rat poison a try. I just found someone who I may be able to get to go under the house and see if he can find any telltale signs.

Again, thank you for your responses! I am very pleased to have found this website and forum and new friends to turn to!! :D

Re: I hear something crawling/scratching around above ceilin

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:23 am
by stevieb
What type of roof and siding do you have? All metal??
Go outside and inspect near the roof line for openings where squirrels may get in. My neighbors had a squirrel chew through the fiber board siding and get in a hole in the soffit.