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painting popcorn ceilings

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:37 am
by momof8
I painted a popcorn ceiling this year. There is a special roller made for this. I bought mine at Lowes. The trick is to only roll in one direction and not go over the same area more than once. It soaks up the paint and will lift off if you do. Paint in one direction, let it dry and then paint in the other direction with a second coat. It turned out great.
Several years ago when I needed to paint the kitchen ceiling I was told to use Kilz (oil base) first to cover and seal in stains or grease since you can't wash it and then paint. I did it and the ceiling turned out great.

RE: painting popcorn ceilings

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:09 pm
by Harry

I did a ceiling like that once. Used a really big fluffy roller. Came out great.
