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Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:43 pm
by Dean3
I was just gonna grab a shower and go lay claim to a job and get materials for it. Turned on the water in the shower but the tankless wasn't heating it,then it slowed to a trickle. I told the court owner's helper about it but he couldn't really do anything.Called the owner and left a message. Checked in the pump house and there was no lights and an outlet was dead,no breakers were tripped. I have the combination to the pump/softener room so I peeked in there,everything dead.

The owner must have got the message cause within minutes the power company showed up,,,,,and,,,,,,replaced the meter they had removed!! He forgot to pay!! :lol: At least I assume he forgot cause he was just on vaca for a week out east! Apparently he had the money for that. Maybe now,after he paid the reconnect fee,he will keep up on it,,now I have to get after him(yet again) to get the yard/security light replaced over there,it's been out over a year.

The pressure *seemed* to be there at 1st but it must not have been quite enough to activate the tankless power,it's working now. Sheesh,I don't usually have to get undressed twice to take a dang shower! :roll: :lol: I thought it was a problem either with my breaker or the tankless,checked it all several times before checking the pump house,dangitallanyway. I'd say he owes me a beer for my trouble. :D
