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Photos of remodeling plans

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:13 pm
by DCDiva
If I can not post them I will include the link for the album--i could not get my dh to understand what I wanted to do --so owning a daycare center and had plenty of materials to make it lol--ok to explain---the 72 ish mh needs a new roof--metal-- and the future plans are to add on--so nothing will be attached to the mh--like a picnic shelter build around it---the future plans are to finish the other half into the other half of the living room,a dinning room,3/4 mini bath,bedroom,we are replacing all windows and will at the end-- vinyl siding add a nice deck--the plan is our dd will be able to live in mh even as we remodel around her --it might be ugly or odd for a while but very nice in the end lol i have another ? but will post separately--comments/suggestions welcome--oh i know my model leans a little--my son wanted to help lol--I am editing--notice image is too big--if you click on photo and then right click---view image-- you can see it better or goto the album it works too ;) have a wonderful sunny day--today is where I am in wonderful WV love it,taking the family to our cabin and going musky fishing ... 1042502845

Re: Photos of remodeling plans

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:46 am
by Yanita

You have a tremendous amount that you want to do. First off you are going to need building permits. So with that said go to your local codes office and present what you want to do. IF you are given the permits then you can move forward. Personally for the money I think you would be better off to look into buying a used doublewide. JMO.


Re: Photos of remodeling plans

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:30 pm
by Arlo
I'd really like to see your project as it goes along. I live in VA and I *think* I know what town you are working in. I've had in mind doing something similar when my kids are college age. I hate the idea of wasting money on rent. Your additions are a bad idea investment wise. Mobiles that are enclosed like that really scare off buyers. If you are going to use that much building material you are better off building a cottage from scratch. Where I live you can't replace or add more than 40 per cent of a structure without having to bring ALL the structure up to current building codes. Not to mention it will be hard to get liability insurance on these trailers. It looks like you have a nice piece of property and a great rental house. If I owned this I would go to a new mobile home sales center in person and ask for a couple of homes they are taking on trade. It will cost them less to bring a home to your property than to take it to their lot and store and move again. I've heard of people getting 90's models for 6 to 10k. Then you will have something up to HUD codes to paint, redecorate and put porches on to. Anyway we all love to see projects unfold and keep taking pictures! Please keep us updated if you decide to reno those oldies anyway.

Re: Photos of remodeling plans

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:44 pm
by DCDiva
Looked into replacing the mh--even had a really nice newer one for 11000 BUT like many cities single wide mobile homes are not allow in the city--my old ones are grandfathered in as they were there before the zoning laws--we start tomorrow on removal of everything and see how big the job will be--we are lucky that the homes are 100 ft from the city limits and all permits are county