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doin a roof over question

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:32 pm
by geraldk
if my original metal roof is good and condensation isnt a problem between the roof and ceiling i was wondering if i could use the farring strips screwed to the rafters then corrigated metal with out the insulation as described in marks book. i just want to do this for a overhang as well as adding soffit and fasia.. im not convinced a half inch of insulation would do much up there any thoughts about this would be appreciated

RE: doin a roof over question

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:42 pm
by Greg
I can't say how much difference it would make, but I can say that for the cost and work involved I don't think I would take the gamble. Plus add in any energy savings. Greg

RE: doin a roof over question

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:46 pm
by Maureen
Hi Gerald,

If your going to do the job, then I'd suggest that you do it right! That extra insulation will pay off in the long run! Both heating and cooling in the Summer.

We've had a roofover in our old '73 home for 9 years. Works like a charm for us!

Maureen 8)

RE: doin a roof over question

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:29 am
by JD
Yes, the insulation is very important. The insulation will give body to the hollow spot between the furring strips. With a metal roof, you will still need to get around up there once in a while to reseal vents and exposed fasteners. Without the insulation there is a good chance that you could bend, warp or otherwise damage the corrugated metal.

And even with the gap created by the furring strips, I am not sure that the electrolysis created by the original galvanized roof would effect the bottom side of the new metal. I know if they were laid on top of each other that rust would start very quickly.

Just my thoughts on it. I have not installed this roof system before, but I have installed a few rolled metal roofs over original metal roofs.


RE: doin a roof over question

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:14 pm
by geraldk
thank y'all 4 the ansewers,, now i just have to find insulation thats easy to work with under 500 bucks