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i have another question please

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:59 pm
by middysmom
can you install recessed lighting in your mobile home and if so how thanks so much dorothy

RE: i have another question please

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 2:58 pm
by Yanita

I am not sure, but I think I might of seen some in mobiles????

You will have to consider that these are going to need a power source and getting that there could be a real problem. As for the specifics on wiring we do not give out info on electrical and gas. You would need a permit and an inspection to do this properly and a licensed electrician if you are unable to do it yourself.

Now on a side note I have heard from a few that recessed/canned lighting is a heat loss...they allow for your heat to escape into the attic area of your home. Now it could be false info and I am certain someone will come along and give us both the education we need in these lightning sources.


Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:28 am
by Jim from Canada
There are 2 types of recessed lighting. One is made for contact with insulation the other is not. The first type will have a larger box to keep the insulation away from the hot electrical components and , yes, will result in less insulation in that area of the roof, unless you can get above it in the attic and add more. Be careful what type you get. Halogens are popular, but they get very hot, and if you get oil from your hands on them, while changing the bulb, it will greatly shorten their life. I, personnally, do not like recessed lighting, because it over complicates a simple need for lighting. It is hard enough keeping insulation and vapour barrier intact with just a regular octagon box, and even with a licenced electrician, he is an electrical guy, not an insulation/VB guy. But each to their own. If you really must have recessed lighting, it can be done by qualified people. That includes fishing wire through walls and ceilings.
