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doorknobs, etc. . . .

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:59 pm
by kathyp12816
Hi. . . my dad has a double-door into his bathroom. The latching mechanism (that appears to be plastic) has simply disintegrated. I would like to replace this with a lever because he has trouble with the knobs. Looking at the knob, I don't find any screws or any way to even remove the existing knobs, let alone replace it. Is there someone here who has made upgrades for their family like this who can clue me in?

I also need to replace the door handles on the exterior doors, and it would be helpful for them to be levers as well. Those doors look like regular exterior doors, and those doorknobs have screws.

I also need to add a grab rail in the bathroom, or else replace his big garden tub with a really big shower. The faucet handles throughout the house are also going to need to be replaced. Has anyone had any experience making these kinds of changes? Perhaps I'm not searching for the right terms.

He doesn't need a wheelchair ramp yet, as he is still pretty spry. He just gets so frustrated when his hands don't work right that I'd love to be able to get these things fixed for him.

Thanks for the assist.

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:56 pm
by Brenda (OH)
Something to check is to see if the disk in the center of the door knob pops out. There would be a tiny slot at the edge that you could fit a small slotted screwdriver blade in.

if that is the type of knob you have, you pop the disk out, and there is a screw or 2 inside it. I don't remember if it would be you would have to open up one side or both sides to get to the screws. sorry, been a few months since I worked on the last doorknob like that.

hope that helps...

Brenda (OH)

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:00 pm
by Brenda (OH)
on the grab rail for the bathroom...

if you are lucky enough that one of the tub walls is accessible from behind, you will be able to locate and measure where the studs are. that will let you attach the handrail to the studs, which will make the handrail more sturdy and more likely to stay in the wall and not pull out of the wall at a bad moment....

Brenda (OH)

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:05 am
by Greg
Kathy, Take a look at the shaft between the door face & knob, some have a small tab that you push in to pull the knob off. Just use a small screwdriver to push it in.

Faucet handles?? You might get lucky if you take one to a hardware store or home center. Greg

RE: doorknobs, etc. . . .

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 1:09 pm
by kathyp12816
Hello Brenda. Hello Greg. Thanks for the speedy reply. I got out my trusty flashlight, Greg, and with or without my glasses -- there is no button to push on this darned doorknob. Brenda, it does look like I might be able to pop the center out of the door handle -- but with even my finest screwdriver, I can't get the little bugger out of there (on either side). Since it has to be replaced anyway, can I just drill a hole in it? And pry it off that way?

Good idea about the grab rail, Brenda. Taking a walk behind Dad's house, I think I've found the perfect place for his grab bar (now if I can only find where he put the ladder). I'm putting together a list for the home center, and will pick one up with all the hardware (will be taking a faucet handle with me, Greg, too).

Love Dad dearly, but his organizing skills defy logic (mine, anyway). I've found some really great suggestions on this site to make him more comfortable -- and definitely more safe.

Thanks so much for your suggestions. They are appreciated.

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:18 pm
by Greg
The only other style that I have seen has 2 screws that go from one flange (behind the knob), through the door into the other flange.

The 2 screws are plainly visable so you should see them with no problem. Greg

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 3:31 pm
by Greg
Try this link, it may be the type you have. Greg ... r-Knob.htm

RE: doorknobs, etc. . . .

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:33 pm
by kathyp12816
Greg, you are my hero!!! However did you find this? (I couldn't even find anything to identify this doorhandle thing as a Kwikset; and I wasn't having any kind of luck surfing for answers). Once I knew where to poke and prod, what was left of the mechanism came apart with ease. (now to locate a replacement that will work . . .)

I have made such progress today, thanks to all the great suggestions and ideas from folks here. What a sweet bunch of folks -- thank you all so much for sharing. I can't wait to get started on the next project here at dad's -- and then it's time to get started next door at my house!

God bless & have a terrific week!

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:41 pm
by Greg
Hero?? Glad to help. Any lock set should work, as long as you install the whole set.

How did I find it?? Google!! Greg

RE: doorknobs, etc. . . .

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:50 pm
by kathyp12816
Thanks again, Greg. Obviously my googling was off, because I was having no luck -- except to find this forum!

Re: doorknobs, etc. . . .

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:33 am
by mike12
google is really great any information you get within seconds