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Topsy Turvy upside down tomato planter

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:07 am
by readysetgo
Hi everyone,
Have any of you tried the Topsy Turvy yet. I got two of them at Wal-Mart the other day. Hubby and I are going to compete with whom of us can grow the best/largest/most tomatoes. I'm doing the beefsteak tomatoes. Any advice on this and the planter.

RE: Topsy Turvy upside down tomato planter

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:17 am
by Harry

Watch em for catapillars. Just pick them off if you see some.


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:35 pm
by Dean3
I'm told "if You can grow tomato You can grow tobacco",,maybe some of the methods for tobacco will work for Ya.

aged manure or compost is best for fertilizer,,*do not* use any manure from slurry pits as it has the cowpiss in it and way too much nitrogen for young plants,it can burn roots to death..That's one reason farmers like to spread manure in the fall,gives the nitrogen time to break down.

I plan to grow a few tomatoes too,,will do the same as for My tobacco;;till,add some sand(not too much)for drainage,add some peat moss,add some aged manure(old cowpies),then,till again to mix it in good before transplanting.

Remember,,I'm just learning/studying at the moment,,if it works it will be 100% organic..I won't use anything unorganic except if it is obvious I'm failing badly..


Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:27 pm
by Dean3
I may have been mistaken about cowpiss/nitrogen in manure slurry,,depending on how You use it of course..
