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Marriage line decay

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:58 pm
by sjthaxter
Hi again--
I'm hoping I can attach a picture of the wall above the marriage line. The sheet rock is soft and falling apart for about the bottom 2 inches. I'm confident that I can patch this once the floor is replaced. Are there any precautions I should know about. I have done this kind of repair in a stick built house, but the way this house is put together is still kind of a mystery to me.
Thanks again
Oooops, guess I don't know how to insert a picture, and I don't know how to gete it in the profile. Any suggestions??

RE: Marriage line decay

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:20 pm
by Yanita
At the top of the screen to you see a MY Profile Space Link (MPS).

If so click it and it will take you the area of your profile. If you do not have one have you received an invitation to be someones friend, this will come in the form of a pop up invite. By accepting this invitation it will give you the MPS link.

To post a pic in a post the button to upload a pic is in the upper right corner below the Img and URL boxes, but above the Close tags button.

If you have problems or questions with the forum, accessing your profile area to create one or edit, post pics, etc please read the "WEBSITE QUESTIONS" forum. Alot of everyday questions can be answered there. If you are still uncertain please respond back and myself or another will assist you. Also at the very top of the page where all the forum links are there is one FAQ (frequently asked questions) this may help you also.

Get your pic posted and will try to help with that also. I am going to leave you a link that may help you understand the construction of our homes.

Have a great day,
