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Trying to post a photo...lemme see..

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:53 am
by oldfart
Well folks just fer giggles and since I'm just moping around thinking about my broke down van I thought mebbe I'd see if I can upload a photo here. Well...if this works...I'm the guy on the left..the one without the beard. The feller on my left..the hairy one is Ed Bullock a friend I met up in Alaska in 2007. Well, here goes nuthin'! Audie..

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:04 pm
by Greg
...and here comes ... yes, nothing!! Greg

RE: Trying to post a photo...lemme see..

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:15 pm
by Yanita
LOL Greg, it represents as far as I can get least his other post he succeeded!


RE: Trying to post a photo...lemme see..

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:23 am
by sd0321

I upload a picture on here (even if I lose my written post, ha ha...) by first clicking on "Img" above the text box you are typing in....and then clicking on "Upload picture" and then you can "browse" your computer, find the pic (I put in on my desktop because I don't want to go look for it....) and when you find the picture on your computer you upload it and then there is one step at the end that you must do (after you actually see the picture in front of you) and it appears at the bottom of the pop up that has your picture in it....either something like "I'm done, send....or upload another picture".....So try it again, we all want to see who you are and who friend from Alaska is.... 'specially those of us who can't sleep.... Sherry

RE: Trying to post a photo...lemme see..

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:35 am
by sd0321

ps - last part is:

insert picture: standard

insert picture and upload another one

Previous | cancel

And you click on "standard" unless you want to upload another one.....

RE: Trying to post a photo...lemme see..

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:38 am
by sd0321
I can upload a picture, but lose my text every time.....anyway, I said that Audie isn't old or fat by a long shot.... Audie do you even know the difference between a van and a corvette? :-)

RE: Trying to post a photo...lemme see..

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:22 am
by oldfart
Yes by gum I figgered out how to upload a photo and keep the text intact. Just like was mentioned above! Now once ya got the photo in front of ya it pays to hit the "maximize" button so ya can see the other button ya have to click to make it all work! Found that button on this 2nd. try. Rekkin' I'll have to find a picture of Chub to post next when time! And yes..that ole geezer in the denim shirt is me. You'll notice I'm facing the camera... not turned side-a-ways. Good reason for that! I'd have blocked out the house behind me! :) Audie....

RE: Trying to post a photo...lemme see..

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:17 pm
by JD
For anyone who wants instructions on how to upload a picture, you can look through the Pictures & Avatars sticky note at the top of the Website Questions forum. Here you will find step by step instructions with twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was. Well not exactly, but there are images, circles, arrows and paragraphs. ... php?t=2414