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It's a "Lost the Cat Day"....

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:05 pm
by oldfart
Well is the official "Lost The Cat Day" here at The Homeplace. Got home from work and Chubba-Dubba (wurfless no good fer nuthin' feral female feline kitten..) greets me at the door. I give her a noogie and head about my toils. Open up the fridge door and grab a beer......20 minutes later I hear a faint meeeoooowwwwww! Open up the fridge and find all my leftovers scattered about..and 1 feral cat cold and grinning. "GIT OUT'A THERE YE DUMB CAT!!"...I scold as I slam the door. I head back to the bathroom and turn on the shower and find myself peering down at a wet and rumpled kitten..ears layed back and hissing at me. Arrrgh! "GIT OUT'A THE SHOWER!"..I bellow! I'm a somewhat private person...I do not like cats in the shower with me!!! Time to sit back in the recliner....a wet and perturbed kitten launches itself unto my lap and insists on giving me a "nosey'. You cat fanciers know what that is...I am not a cat fancier!! This is when a cat insists on walking right up into yer face and touching it's nose to yer beak. Don't know what this signifies...don't care. I resent her paws being in my supper plate...I know her paws have been in the litter-box!! Her nose is wet...and covered in kitty-snot. Arrrgh! Before heading to bed I open up the cabinets and take inventory and make out my grocery list. Need.... Old Bay Seasoning...vinigar...garlic...close the door to the cabinet. Head back to bed and.....meeeeoooowwww! ^&$#@(^$!! is stuck in the the kitchen cabinets!!! Return back to the up the cabinet doors....extricate the wurfless feral feline female cat from the lazy-susan and head down the hallway. Finally.....I'm headed down the hallway..this no-good ball of fur swatting at my heels. "Time to go to bed!"...I growl. I pull back the sheets and set the alarm..tuck in the pillows and make sure all is right in my world. And then.....purrrrrrr.....hack...sneezze....she joins me. A fuzzy head tucks under my chin..tiny paws knit at my blankets..and we drift off into slumber...together. Mind ye...I don't like cats..they have their job to do 'er the're out in the snow!! Audie.....zzzzzzzz...the Oldfart.....

RE: It's a "Lost the Cat Day"....

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:08 pm
by Yanita
ROFL Audie,

My newest furkid...Salem, is a black male American short haired. He is wide open all the time. Since he was raised in the Humane Shelter he has zero house manners like the other furkids! he gets into the fridge, any cupboard that gets opened, jumps into the dryer. He has been shut in or shut out many times!

As for under the sink/counter cupboards...I remedied that years ago, every place I have ever lived I removed the 2 cabinet doors directly under the sink. Hang a curtain rod and 2 curtain tiers. This allows the furkids to get under there and if nothing else hide and catch mice. Yup, done everything i can think of for mice and still get them in cold snaps or harvesting of fields.

Now come on know you really don't mind the "nosey", this is a sure sign of affection and an apology! Cut the little girl some slack!
