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Don't stop sharing (soon I will need solar air conditioning)

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:20 pm
by DigitalDreams
It seems that since the weather has moderated this section has kinda got dead.

Just because it's getting above -30 don't stop posting ideas and what you have discovered , because winter will be back sooner than you think(hoping for global warming).

Has anyone seen the information on building a solar panel powered air conditioning system ,you know one that works on the same principal as the old gas refrigerators ,I did somewhere and now I can't find it.
It used sunlight producing heat to create cold like the gas fridges used flame to produce cold , or like the rv 3 ways use.

Also has anyone tried the concave mirror approach to make a solar boiler from a old metal satellite dish,I found a guy in minnesota around the twin cities that makes reasonable priced solar tracking
hardware and I know for a fact the heat generated at the focal
point of a metal 8 foot dish will melt aluminum, because I replaced
a few electronics in my day on them cause someone accidently had theirs line up with the sun and stay there long enough to melt down the feed horn.

RE: Don't stop sharing (soon I will need solar air condition

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:55 am
by hawk909

Had the first link saved in my bookmarks. The other two I found by following links from the first one.

There isn't any "How To" plans but could get you pointed in the right direction in finding information.