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Valentines Day

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:49 pm
by Harry

What should I get my bride?

1. a card with $ in it or
2. chocolate and flowers or
3. one ticket on a singles cruise.

Any ideas?


Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:03 am
by Dean3

#1 is for a Wife of many years,a shopping trip means You get to watch an action flick at home.
#2 is for a new bride,be ready when Her eyes light up Saturday!.
#3 is for either *if* You are hinting for her to hit the road,call Yer lawyer and empty joint accounts first.

Whatever You do,don't give Her #3 and a fry pan too! Ouchie!

It's My guess Yer Wife doesn't read the off topic forum very often Harry. LOL.


RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:59 am
by Harry

Last night as we were watching "Cops" reruns I said "Hon...Valentines Day is right around the you need a new ironing board cover?"

She didn't answer...matter of fact she hasn't talked at all since then.


Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:36 am
by Dean3
Is that a good thing Harry? I dunno if I should laugh yet?

Buy the ticket. :D


Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:25 pm
by Greg
Harry, 1&2 for her, #3 for you, but make it a 1 way ticket. And change the life insurance policy! :) Greg

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:02 pm
by Dean3
You know a body can get divorced,divvy up the assets,take the fixed income too,move to a cheaper country,get a much younger spouse,be happy as all-get-out living like a king,then,go through it all again someday. I'm told the real trick to not going through it all again is,,never bring the new spouse to the USA!!

I'm not signin this one.:)

RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:49 pm
by oldfart
Well a frugal old man lemme tell's not about money. Or at least it shouldn't be. If dollars makes a difference then mebbe yer in the wrong game. Carol arrived on Thursday and we celebrated Valentines Day early. I met her in the driveway..held her arm and walked her into my home. She held a gift of fresh clams....100 of them sweet salty boogers...from Cresslers...the good Maine mahogany ones...fat as could be!!! 'Twas hard to keep my attention and she knew durn well I just wanted so shuck a few and slurp them down. But I held my composer. Men...patience is a virtue!! At my age...patience is a given...! Mmmmm...I so wanted to pluck a few clams ....but I bid my time. (sweating profusely just thinkin' 'bout 'em!!) Anyways....the table was set nice...a single rose adorned it. A Valentines Day Card with a personal message set amongst the candle glowing there. Since Carol suffers from dry skin in the winter months some time was spent adorning her with suitable lotion. A few minutes of my time is all that was required. As she fell asleep and dozed peacefully.. I set about a simple meal prepared in advance. I must admit..I shucked a few clams as she dozed and shoved them raw down my gullet. A well tossed salad...sauted musheroons and sweet onions....2 fat Delmontico steaks was dropped in the pan...brussel-sprouts "nuked" in the microwave....deviled eggs...(one of her favorites)..some smoked salmon dip and crackers/pickles and cheese and WHALLAH! Time spent.....minutes. Money pitiful to mention. The rewards? Priceless. Audie..the Oldfart.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:57 pm
by Dean3
Audie,You sure are a multi-faceted One aincha! At 1st read I thought maybe Carol was bored to sleep,:),but then I put aside My cynisism and actually thought for a change,,I think maybe Carol sleeping so quick and easy may be a rock-solid sign of trust,trust that could only be instilled from time spent with another. Perhaps that is the true meaning of love,,at any rate it is a far better view than My original.

Kudos,congrats and a host of other good words to Ya Audie,it seems You deserve em!


RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:40 pm
by Yanita
Well done Audie,

Annnd from as woman's point of got it right! I really like the one rose, ( and would of loved the meal, less the raw clams, eeewww :shock: ) what a shear waste for a dozen.

I hate what commercialism has done to the holidays, every man right now is running around trying to buy a card, chocolates and a dozen roses...when all it really takes is a few moments of your undivided attention and a spark of creativity...

Tell Carol I said Hello, that is if she is not going to smack you side the head at the mere mention of my name.

Happy Valentines Day,


RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:28 pm
by DigitalDreams
Well here's my view for what its worth and just to set the stage this
one is the third wife.

1:Kiss her good morning , every morning!
2:Tell her you love her, at least twice a day !
3:Don't forget her birthday!
4:Don't forget your wedding anniversary!

Now this may not work for you , but these four rules have kept mine happy for 25 years and she forgives me for the rest of my transgressions.

Just wish I had had this rule book 35 years ago it would have saved me countless thousands of dollars,two houses,5 cars and a lot of Aleave and tylenol.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:45 pm
by Dean3
LOL,yeah it would have saved You all that,,but,,You wouldn't have Your current Wife either,,You would still be on #1! You can use that to an advantage tho,,just tell #3 You are *thankfull* You didn't know back then and that it brought You Her! She'll melt,I just know it. :)


RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:07 pm
by Greg S
It's a lot less stressful and less expensive to just go out every 10 years or so, meet some strange woman, and offer to buy her half a house.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:43 pm
by Dean3
LOL yepper,if she doesn't slap Ya silly then Yer in like Flint.

I'm not signin this one either! :D

RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:03 pm
by DigitalDreams
Yep I let her know she is the best of 3 she just says (well of coarse).

Tho the other idea flies too I use to know a guy that was, on like his 5th wife who said same (he had decided not to get married again ,but was just gone find someone he hated and buy her a new car and a house every time he got the urge to get married again).

RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:51 am
by oldfart
Aye my friends...a host of good posts! Let me just add that Valentines Day is just one of many days that one must take part in to maintaine a good&proper relationship. Begin each day with a smile....a good breakfast and a cup of coffee. Make time to watch the sun rise. Offer up encouragement and support thru-out the day...and always. And watch the sun set together. Carol and I have reached... beyond the point in life.... where baubles and beads are of importance. Diamonds and and silver..hold no interest to us in these waning years. A soft caresse, a meal well prepared and served..and "butterfly kisses" means more than gifts of material things. These things are only learned thru time spent with one we love. Men..if you want to "ignight a fire"...touch her softly on her face. Don't probe and poke....don't try and impress her with your masculinity. Take the back of your hand and softly stroke her cheek, face and chin and tell her how much you love her....softly. A womans most eroggenous zone (possibly spelling error) is..her face. JMHO of course. Audie..the Ollllddddfart.