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Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:09 pm
by nomis
Hello to all on this great site. I found this site while searching on a problem I am having with a light switch. I read enough to know that this would be a valuable resource to be a part of, so I registered today. Hopefully, I can contribute something to this great forum, but today I am in search of help for a light switch. :oops:

RE: Hello

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:22 pm
by Yanita

Another North Carolinian!

Welcome to the site and glad you found us.

What exactly is it about your light switch you need to know? Please, do not be offended if your answer does not include specific details on how to fix. Sometimes with electrical we do not give the repair details as electricity is dangerous, can cause death to you and harm your home. Please do not take offense.

Go ahead and ask your question, what is it the switch is or is not doing, do you want to replace it....????

Also when you have a moment would you complete your profile. The more info we have about your home the easier it is for the mods/admins and forum users to assist you. If you do not see the MY Profile Space link in the task bar above, please click on your name and then once there click on add friends icon. Pick a friend and fill out the invite, this will give you your MPS link to be able to complete the profile. Have troubles post back with that info as well.

Glad you found us!


RE: Hello

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:55 pm
by nomis
I posted my problem as a new topic. I understand if no one wants to post an answer. I am hoping to avoid the obvious "call an electrician" if possible.

RE: Hello

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 3:29 pm
by Yanita
Hi Again.

Thats fine, I believe someone will answer with the specifics. Unfortunately I can not, I do electricity, LOL, I barely trust our licensed electrician friend!

Hold on and someone will assist.
