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Inducer Motor Running backwards

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:54 pm
by comfortpro
I am working on a new EVCON model #DGAA070BDTB
The combustion blower is running backwards, it does however pull in the vacuum switch and fire up. until it burns all the oxygen up then of course the flame sensor takes out the gas valve. I have reversed the leads to the Motor but it continues to run CCW instead of CW. What the? Polarity is not an issue. nothing will work when the polarity is switched at the Line voltage. The furnace board actually is coding "failure to ignite"(Flame sensor) but how do I get the Inducer motor to reverse?

RE: Inducer Motor Running backwards

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:58 pm
by Robert

I replied to your email.
