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Mowing tips for a greener lawn

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:33 pm
by Mark

A few weeks ago my Mom was visiting and I was showing disgust in my lawn. I said I know I water and fertilize more than some of my neighbors, yet my lawn always seems to be more brown. What gives? My Mom, a master gardener, said the answer is simple. She said I cut my lawn too short. Hmmm.

So I took her advice and let my lawn grow longer. Low and behold, it was soon as green as my neighbors. I also had less issues with weeds. I told my Mom that if I didn't know these basic lawn tips, some of my visitors may not know them either. So she wrote an article for us (and got some required master-gardener credits for her efforts). Read her article here:

And don't forget this article that was written a couple years ago by another member of her master gardeners group on gardening with limited space:


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:37 am
by tnt17
Some of this can be contributed to what kind of seed has been planted. Centipede and Bermuda's especially. Grows less as fast, (such as Centipede sod) and doesn't require as much maintenance and can be cut short without suffering burnout. Bermuda, such as what you see at a golf course or football stadium, is cut short as well. If let grown too long, the tips of these grass plants can brown. So a little bit of irony there, just all in all depends on the plant, how much water they are getting, and the soil underneath.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:11 am
by Jim from Canada
I jsut use the basic principle of: after cutting, put a stick on the toe of your shoe, and it should touch the grass on either side of your shoe. Or, about 3" or so.


Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:18 pm
by tnt17
Our water company sent a quick 'note' recently-
"Due to the local drought, please only water once a week. If it isn't needed, please don't water at all. To do the simple needing water test, step on a few blades. If they spring back up right away, your lawn needs water. If they don't, please don't water anymore".

Felt like replying back and saying 'umm, my blades pop up so fast they give me whiplash!'

RE: Mowing tips for a greener lawn

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:02 pm
by mobtek
FYI - an EXCELLENT fertilizer for lawns and other plants is Ground Corn. The kind you buy at the feed store. You might want to use the fine-grind because you WILL have more bird / animal activity in your yard. You can't kill your lawn with it (by overspreading) and your Kids, and pets are safe.

This stuff is like rocket fuel for the lawn. Take a handful and toss it on your lawn. In a couple of days you will see a noticeable difference in the area that you threw the corn.

Enjoy -