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Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:58 am
by savannahjules
Hi ya'll,
With all the talk of Gustav and Hannah on another thread I thought I'd ask this question. I live just west of Savannah and my home is built for windzone III (supposed to withstand 110 mph winds). My parents are coming up from Florida on Thursday, and TS Hannah is due in on Friday (probably as a cat 1 hurricane). Should I secure all my outside things and stay, or should I plan on going to a friend's stick built home to ride out the storm?

The last storm to supposedly come this way was Floyd and I had to evacuate. He didn't hit so I don't know what damage to expect from Hannah. Hopefully she won't live up to the song "Hard Hearted Hannah".

I rode out more than one hurricane in a mobile home built in the early 70's when I lived in central Florida and never had any problems.

Whether I leave or whether I stay, wish me luck.

RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:02 pm
by Yanita

Well I certainly wish you luck.

As to stay or not I would base on your local warnings of evacuations. The lay of the land as to whether you are prone to storm surges and over flowing bodies of water local to you. Do you have large trees close to yur home.

As for the wind rating of your home...well, I know what they say and I know how some of these homes are built. As with all things some are better than others.

I see nothing about your type etc. How old it is, have you or have you had your hurricane straps professionally inspected.

Our homes are known for the roofs blowing off, but with a large enough storm almost any rood will sustain damage. Notably if your straps are not in good condition then your home as any MH can tip over. Water errosion can cause the home to float!

Certainly you would want to remove all non secured items from outside. LOL, one of the biggest task for me pending a storm is just that...several birdbaths/feeders, back deck with loads of wicker patio furniture, 47 potted plants, front porch, more planters and a pair of rockers. On to the pool deck...numerous peices of deck furmiture, umbrella, more potted plants. The girls play house!

As for company coming during a storm I always advise everyone to go away from the storm, not to where the storm is going. Always flooding, down trees, power outages and then trying to return home. JMO, and you are certainly welcome to do as you please.

Now, if you are going to stay make sure that you get all supplies needed to care for yourself and others for at least 5 days. Meds for yourself/pets and all needed pet supplies. Gas up everything and get your insurance papers in order.

Our family has an evac plan in order with all other family members and some freinds, everyone knows where everyone is or going. Couple of cell phone batteries completely charged. Get cash, with power out ATMS don't work.

There are many things you can do to protect yourself and your home. I am a firm believer that everyone does what they can for themselves.


Let us know and your family/friends what you choose to do...there are several of us here in hurricane zones, myself included that can give you tips on your safety.


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:00 pm
by tnt17
interesting, i was just looking in our cabinets at manufacturers 'card' and ours is a zone 2 home. i know when we bought it last year it came from the charleston/myrtle area. won't need that type of 'hurricane' protection since i'm 300 miles the coast, but the map they include on that chart shows zone 2 just interior of the coast and florida, and 3 basically right along the coast and out in the islands.
i'd guess they use wind speeds as statistics when determining the different zones?

but as yanita said, all that outdoor stuff, secure/bring in/store.
just from our last week storms here i've seen trees/tents/awnings all over the place. having constant 60+ mph winds with Hannah you'd see the same or worse.

RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:41 pm
by savannahjules
My home is a 1999 SW Southern Home (built in Alabama) 16x80. The tie downs were inspected when it was first set up in 1999, but not since. It was set up to be 3 feet off the ground at the lowest point (because of being in a flood zone). I do get a nice little river in the back yard every time a good rain comes, but it drains quickly. Thankfully I don't have a lot to take in from outside. As for the folks, they've been planning this trip for weeks, and I couldn't talk them out of coming, so we'll see how it works out.

Thanks for your answers.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:11 pm
by tnt17
savannah, same here. except a 98. southern home from addison, alabama. 24x80

RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:50 pm
by Yanita

Well mine is a 74 Mansfield, no clue what zone rating. Not sure it ever had a rating as it is pre hud. Since my home has sat here for 33 years I won't get to alarmed unless something is coming in at least Cat 3.

When we bought it all the straps were inspected and I believe 2 were replaced. During our remodels I did discover that the straps go up inside the exterior walls opposed to just being attached to the frame.

About the only thing that makes me leary during any storm, even the hard thunderstorms is that we have at least an 80" loblolly pine by the car port. It also sits close to the drainage ditch. This does hold water and I worry that the tree will eventually end up in my diningroom, kitchen and livingroom.

If it was to fall in another direction it will take out the carport and Monte, any other direction will not cause damage to me. I have asked the other landowner to remove the tree as it sits on the edge of a commercial soybean/corn/tobacco/cotton field. He said I could remove it...yeah 1300.00 to get it gone.

Anyways, everyone needs to take their precautions and if in doubt get out! With all the prep I go through I still have a cooler ready to fill and incidentals already in the car should I need to dash a mile up the road to a friends home.


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:01 am
by savannahjules
Well, if Hanna keeps on the course she is now and continues to strengthen as much as projected, I'll be forced to evacuate. They evacuate the islands and inland mh parks first. When Floyd was threatening us, our park manager informed us that if we didn't leave on our own accord, they would have the authorities "help" us get out. I guess I'd better start investigating motels west of here.

RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:36 am
by Yanita
Yeah, I am keeping real close track of this now, I hate a one/two impact. Floyd and Dennis back in 99 flooded the hell out of Greenville and surrounding towns.

LOL, cell phone just gave me the weather alert signal...a system named Josephine!

If you plan on a hotel room you better get your reservation in order now...they fill up quickly. Our evacuation plans either take us south...can't go that way as the storm is coming from that way...or north, but where we go in that direction the storm is tracking there...and the same for the westerly direction.

Went to the grocery store and laid in a huge supply of bottled water, paper products etc....went to the vets and got extra meds for the cats! Slooooowly I am checking off the list!

Already got alot of the plants inside and guess this afternoon I will start getting the outside furniture stacked and ready to go into the garage. Shoot...gotta extra chemicals for the pool...LOL, good thing I am taking notes!

Ok, make sure to evacuate if you are told to do so...please keep us advised of your safety.


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:04 pm
by Harry
Hi Yanita

This MH lost in Davie, Fla.



Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:57 pm
by tnt17
Looks like Charleston will still be the 'center' point for landfall, my guess of Hilton Head initially may hold true though. North and east will get some brutal rain out of this as it moves up through the piedmont of the Carolina's.

RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:27 pm
by Yanita
Hey Harry,

How ya doin down there? I am sure you have read all these post so no point in repeating myself....hoping we don't get a couple storms back to back. I'd rather have one good storm than a couple of tropicals, they make soooo much rain!

In this area our water tables are high, hence does not take alot of rain or wind to knock over those trees. LOL, that pic you posted sure was encouragement as I look at the 80" loblolly pine outside!

Ok, soon to shut down, get some sleep, trying to double up customers this week, not sure what is going to happen.


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:54 pm
by Harry
Hi Yanita

Let's see....loblolly, open surrounding field, in the middle of Hannahs path. I sure hope you seek shelter somewhere else.

As the winds die down you can return home and see if you can catch a looter. That's what I do.

I almost spent the night in a MH during Andrew. Police and the park said "leave!" The MH was blown away all except the floor. The whole park was blown away. Even the toilets were blown away. It looked like an A-Bomb hit.

Nope .... no heros here. We go to a concrete junior high school a few miles from here.


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:11 pm
by Yanita
Hey Harry,

Nope no heros here either, but this home has been here for 35 years.

The big open fields do concern me...I know this home has a new roof, at least the ply and shingles...but it's still a mobile. On days where everyone else has a calm breeze, we have a mild wind...make sense...

My body is soooo sore moving all the yard missiles, LOL. House looks like a plant nursery. But all the outside furniture etc is packed away...

Have checked and rechecked first aid kits (house & car) fire extinquishers, insurance policy and disc in safe places. Already brought some jewelry to the safe deposit box at the bank.

3 tanks of gas for the grill and 4 bottles for the Coleman cookstove. Of course plenty of gas for the generator. We loose our power on just regular thunderstorms.

Have thought about leaving but Hubby throws a fit leaving the Harley's behind! If it gets too bad we will go up the road from us where we have our every Thursday night pig pickin. They have a huge concrete block garage, complete with all amenties. I do believe there are other friends already using it as shelter though.

Anyways the car is packed just for that reason...oh, checked the spare tire too!

Just a few more things left on the "to do", fill guest tub and washer with water, charge the next round of batteries...dam I am tired!

Ok, appreciate the concern and will try my best to keep everyone updated. I do not have a laptop so I can't make any promises.

On a side note wanted to say thanks for all the personal emails from some here wishing us well. I appreciate it! :D

Can anyone say Hanna :( ...Ike :cry: ...Josephine :x


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:23 pm
by Harry

I thought this tune by Johnny Cash might cheer you up.

Take care.


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:11 pm
by Yanita

Wll just checked the updates, seems this is coming in as tropical...I can handle that, although we will get alot of rain. I do hate the fact that landfall is during the night.

My next concern is Ike, they are saying it is going to take the same path as Hanna...

Gonna work in the AM, but the weather is suppose to start getting nasty in the afternoon....

Will post again when I get the chance.
