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smart antennas

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:17 pm
by Kyle
We just got a DTV converter box, and we think we need a smart antenna. I am trying to find info but am having no luck. What I need to know is:
1. Where can you get them?
2. how much they cost.
Thanks! :D

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:58 pm
by Greg
You need to be careful with the antennas, here's why. With the digital switch over, many stations are are simply changing from analog to digital. Most digital antannas are UHF only so if you have a VHF station you will not have a siginal with a UHF only antenna. Try upgrading your antenna cables first if you already have a good outside antenna now.
There are digital tv info. web sites, just google digital tv information. Greg

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:55 pm
by Kyle
WEll that is annoying :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:38 am
by Demolition
From what I have read... you can use the standard TV antenna that mounts outside your house.
I bought my mom a DTV converter box for mothers day. Sometimes we get more channels on the DTV.

Some Tips from Me are
1) Make sure you have a good connection where the wires hook to the antenna. Use a wire brush to clean where the wires attach, then screw the wires down snug.
2) Try to avoid using 100 foot of antenna wire if you only need 50 foot. The less wire it has to go through the more of the signal gets to the TV
3) Point the Antenna properly. You would think that pointing it Sideways of the Transmitter is best. But really you should point it where the Tail End of the antenna points to the transmitter.

To find the direction to point your antenna go to

So Dave does not think you need a fancy antenna. Just a decent antenna.
Keep up the good work.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:40 am
by Kyle
thanks, but all of the above are done. I even had to go in the attic and turn it :lol:
Thanks alot though :)