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Did I $ave or Did The Contractor Save Himself?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:06 am
by beegee
I had the contractor in a week and a half ago looking at my tin shack to advise on a HVAC install including ductwork (none here to begin with).

After about an hour and a half of him looking, and looking some more, and asking then really listening to my answers (list of allergies, comfort level preferences, what it cost last summer to cool, more) he advised me to go to Lowes and buy two of the smaller window units that have heat and air, and then he told me that he felt I could do the install myself-I am a 5'6" 51 years old lady with no real health issues except lack of exercize.

He asked me if I knew anything about kitless through the wall installs, and I did tell him that I helped the ex do ours down on the Gulf back in '87 and '96-was that enough to tell him I could do the job alone :?

He looked over my tools (should I have hidden the rollaway?), told me what I might need to add to do the job right, then jumped in his truck and was gone. He wouldn't even take any money for the consultation!

Should I do mental back flips over the savings, and then get 'er done come spring, or should I call in a second or third set of opinions?

My little '60's era SW is at lowest 24" off the ground, was empty for 7 years, and needs a lotta little things (like a whole new under-everything), but I didn't think it was so awful under there he wouldn't want to do the ductwork.

I'm thinking he was doing me a favour, but would like some other thoughts.

I cooled over this past summer (above average heat) comfortably (body and wallet) with two ac window units; has anyone used the units that heat and cool, and if so were you happy with it?

Big BTW, I ordered the book last night-can't wait to get it! I thought about downloading it, but I decided to go with the print issue instead. I wish we'd had it back in the '80's :lol:

RE: Did I $ave or Did The Contractor Save Himself?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:01 pm
by Handweaving
Hi Beegee,
I don't have any answers but am real interested in hearing what others have to say.
I'm sure someone will be along shortly.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:59 pm
by Greg
That is a tough call. Many contractors will say & do about anything to get out of working on a Mobile, but he really could have been trying to save you some money. I think I would call an other contractor and get their opinion. Greg

RE: Did I $ave or Did The Contractor Save Himself?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:42 am
by Robert

Just going by the info you gave about home condition, what it needed and 24" height at one spot, I'm more in agreement with him.

To get a new furnace and a/c and ductwork and wiring and it all installed and set up:

For you to get anything out of it, you would have to fix the underbelly, insulation and skirting issues.

Since you said it needed everything under, that is what I assume you mean.

If so, adding that to the equation, you could very well pay a hefty price.

Labor would be huge.

Then, not knowing condition of home, but with it being a SW and a 60's model if not is great condition, could end up at or close to value of home.

May even exceed it.

I would get at least one more estimate, but if it is a 360* difference, might want to beware.

If the home is not too big, those window heat pumps work fairly well.

I personally would try that before the costly investment to install complete system, ducting and repair other problems underneath.

You can always sell them after a year if not happy and you'll have that year to prepare for full install.

I would venture to guess he didn't feel he could get what he would have to get to do it.

I believe the labor is what would have put it out of reach.

Take care and best wishes,

RE: Did I $ave or Did The Contractor Save Himself?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:55 pm
by beegee
Greg and Robert, thank-you!

Greg, I've called another contractor who has a good reputation (the first one does also, they both work on MHs tri-county wide) just to get a second opinion, and to find out more about what needs to be done before a good contractor will take the job on if I decide to do it after the rest of the work is done.

Because I think I will end up going with the first one's advice, and yours too, Robert. You made an especially good point about being able to sell the units if I do decide to go with a full system install, and that I'd have more time to get the work down under done.

I've grown attached to my little tin shack; I like the floor plan, and it is pretty stout-it's been fairly well cared for over the years except that it sat empty for 7 years. The owner came by every week, it has been completely rewired and brought up to code. The insulation in the house is good, too, and the pipes have never been allowed to become frozen.

But the underneath is in need of some attention, and I think, first, before installing CH/A, that should be my focus.

Again, thank-you both, it really helps to be able to hear your thinking on this!

RE: Did I $ave or Did The Contractor Save Himself?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:49 am
by Robert

You're very welcome, happy to help where I can. Sounds like a wise plan and course of action.

Please keep us updated and how things are coming along with it.

Take care and best wishes,

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:18 pm
by Greg
Let us know how you make out. Greg

RE: Did I $ave or Did The Contractor Save Himself?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:20 am
by Koiflowers
I know this post is a month old; however, I have used the Lowe's heat/air unit. It was 500 in 2005 (220 wiring required). The AC was great, but I didn't know until winter arrived that the heat does not cycle on and off like the AC.

The heat was either on or off and blew the selected level of heat. What that meant was that I would have to manually turn it off if I was leaving the house and knew it was gonna warm up outside. If not, I would return home to an oven and two cats hiding in a closet to escape the heat.

Any one buying a unit might want to see if there is another model available that has heat controlled by a thermostat that will shut the unit off or at least cycle on and off when the temp rises inside the house.