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Valentines Day

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:35 pm
by Harry

I am not good at buying Valentines Day gifts. Not buying Valentines Day gifts doesn’t work either. So this year I’m getting a head start. Here’s my ideas list so far:

- Cash – always works but lacks romance.
- Candy – but we started our New Years diet
- Flowers – We live rural so they’ll be DOA (Dead On Arrival)
- New Steam Iron – the one we have now spits white stuff
- New Ironing Board Cover – the old has white spots
- Tickets – to the Dr Phil TV show
- 7-Day Singles Cruise – I’ll watch the house and feed the animals

How am I doin?


RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:45 pm
by Koiflowers
I asked hubby what he would get me for Valentine's Day, if he was going to get me something. We're still newlyweds.

He said:

1. Gold necklace with little gold heart on it: open it up with picture of he and me. [I don't like jewlery]

2. Perfume: women love perfume. I love perfume for women. [I'm allergic to perfume]

3. You're hard to get for

4. New tool set: you'd probably enjoy that more than anything. [Yea baby, now you're talking]

You don't ever want me buying you clothes! We've talked about that, remember.

What I really want for Valentine's Day

1. Finish the Love Shack

2. Build the staircase up to the apartment, so I don't have to shimmy up and down the extension ladder any more

3. New saws-all (electric, the battery operated ones lose the charge too fast)

RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:50 pm
by Yanita
Ummm, Harry,

How long have you been married? As of this moment you are about to strike out for the traditional women.

I on the other hand do not want the traditional flowers, every women gets them and I am not every women, they cost more than they are worth. Also for the cost of a dozen roses I could have several rose bushes that will bloom every year.

Ironing board, iron...although I use them alot, I would prefer to purchase my own.

Gotta love the 7 days singles cruise.. I love being home alone, so if you get a good deal let me know!

Truthfully, Hubby and I treat all these little holidays the same as we do the bigger ones. We do not go out and buy the "acknowledgement" gifts. We love each other every day and hopefully will continue to do so. We buy what we want when we want it.

My Hubby laughs, he says I am the only women he knows that would prefer a home improvement gift card than the jewelry store! Heck we don't even go to eat during the holidays...the lines are horrendous!

Each to their own and I do not condemn what anyone does to celebrate their holidays.

Hoping you and your bride have a great Valentine's though!


Re: RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:14 pm
by texasprairierose

I guess that I'm not traditional when it comes to Valentine gifts either!
Yanita wrote:
My Hubby laughs, he says I am the only women he knows that would prefer a home improvement gift card than the jewelry store! Heck we don't even go to eat during the holidays...the lines are horrendous!

I would much rather receive a gift card from a store that I like to shop at. Does she have any hobbies such as scrap booking, sewing, cross-stitch? If so, a gift card from JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby would be a good gift.

You don't live too far from Savannah, so how about a brunch or dinner cruise?

Does she typically do the cooking? If so, you could switch roles for the day. You could start the day off with serving her breakfast in bed... waffles topped with fresh berries and a dollop of whipped cream are diet friendly , add hot tea or coffee and perhaps a mimosa and a single long stem rose on the tray! Then in the eveing, cook her favorite meal and eat by candlelight!! If you really want to turn the romance clean up the kitchen while she takes a bubble bath that you have prepared for her!! :D

Other afternoon of pampering at a day spa, a certificate to get a manicure and pedicure, a tanning salon package, a couple of her favorite CD's, a bubble bath with candles all around and rose petals sprinkled on the tub and on the bed!

Your idea of tickets to the Dr. Phil show was good too!!


RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:28 pm
by Koiflowers
My hubby got us tickets to see "Larry the Cable Guy." He didn't even ask me first - just ventured out on his own. That's romance!

RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:18 am
by Harry

I ran the Love Shack idea by my bride and showed her the photo.

Seems ok with the idea but I think she sees it as a way to get me to clean out the tool shed.

How about just a real mushy card?


RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:09 am
by Koiflowers
You tell the little bride not to give up on the Love Shack idea yet. Every shed has the potential to become something great.

Right now though, hubby's building career is on hold cause it's raining cats and dogs and we're getting 30 mile winds.

RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:37 am
by Harry

"30 mile winds" is a breeze here.

Well I got the card. It is a singing card. The Ritchie Valens version of "La Bamba". Real loud too.

I'll give her the card at the Outback Steak House her favorite restaurant. She'll order her favorite Chocolate Thunder From Down Under®.

Have I forgotten anything?


RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:54 pm
by Koiflowers
Maybe a dip in the old "hot tub" to get her in the mood after the card sings to her real loud; and to loosen you up a bit after that back surgery.

Hubby's doctor gave him a prescription for an outrageous therapeutic hot tub after he hurt his back. I seriously doubt that prescription included the red and blue underwater strobe lights and the margarita cup holders all along the edges.

One more thing, Harry, we got Hurricane Rita on our front door. We had 16 uninvited guests show up from Houston with their cats and dogs. No water, no electricity, no air conditioning, no gas, no Wal-Mart for almost 2 weeks. And one woman brought her 4 kids. Whew. 30 mile-an-hour winds are a piece of cake.

RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:50 pm
by Harry

In 2004 Florida was hit with Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne. We went without power a lot. We could have moved in with relatives but we opted to stay and guard against looters. The wife had a difficult time with the heat. We cooled her down with wet towels. No biggy for me.


RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:59 pm
by Yanita
Hey Harry,

Have you bought a generator yet? We sure did... Hurricane Dennis and Floyd pummeled us in "99"...we did have our generator and lots of neighbors, even had the pool!


RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:42 pm
by Harry

10-4 on the generator. Got a nice one with a Honda engine, wheels, chain, gas cans and anchors.

That reminds me...time to get it out and crank it up tomorrow.



RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:16 pm
by Harry

One more shopping day till Valentines Day!


Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:36 pm
by Greg
I would bet that most of the ladies here would take the gift card to the Home store over the jewlery. Greg

RE: Valentines Day

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:29 am
by Koiflowers
Harry, when you start something, you have to finish it:

What did you really get your Bride for Valentine's Day?

What did your Bride get you?

Who served who breakfast in bed?

It's only 9:30 a.m., is it too early for any gifts to be given??? Do you have a reservation for the Outback Steakhouse?

Hubby already gave me my gift. Now "I" just have to finish it up.

I gave hubby his gift. And "I" just have to finish that one up, too.

I better get busy.