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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:53 am
by Yanita
Hi Koiflowers,

Just went through your personal photo album....I must say you have done a really nice job with the home.

When we remodeled our master bath I used a 2 level antique vanity with tri fold mirrors as a vanity base.

What do you have under your faucets in the master bath? They look like they are sitting on something.

Very creative enclosing the tub with the shower doors, would like to see some lighter pics and closer up of how you did that. Guess that is why I never cared for a garden tub...LOL, just to wide open!

Thanks for sharing,


RE: Koiflowers

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:23 am
by Harry

Nice job. Looks good!


RE: Koiflowers

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:40 pm
by Koiflowers
Yanita, should I thank you now for asking me for lighter pictures. I took my big purple bottle of 'Super Clean" into the M-Bath for those "lighter" pictures. I thought the original mood lighting was perfect in there for hiding the unfinished aspects of the remodel. You'll see them now though!

hubby bent rods using a pipe-bender borrowed from neighbor.

Set old shower door up into slit cut into top track.
Screwed down old bottom track from shower. Set in doors. They are also secured at the wall. Clear silicone caulk is our friend. Had a hand-held shower inserted into piping so I could clean that huge tub. I like loft look so even though we put up cement board and could have hidden piping, I wanted a contemporary look. Some people will hate this! I love it!
Shot of top tracks - and one wee unfinished project.
All the faucets were 75% off, so we built a little platform for it. A faucet tall enough to clear sink was about $160 or more.
Saving a marriage, husband is forbidden to mess up the sink area, so he gets his own pedestal where the shower used to be. Need to build one more drawer for the cabinet. It whips my butt trying to get drawer glides level so they slide right, so I'm procrastinating building last one. Because beam ran right under sink area, we built a small platform to hide above-floor pipes. So sink now drains into original drain for shower. Another unfinished project at baseboard!

Here's me look-in at you.

No before pic of bathroom, but it was wicked aweful.

RE: Koiflowers

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:01 pm
by Yanita
LOL, Koiflowers...

I will thank you for the close ups! Sorry about the additional work cleaning, you could of left it, IMO, everyone lives in there homes!

I did not notice that you decorate on the Contemporary end. Even though it is not my personal style I do enjoy it in others homes. I too like the loft style, always wished I could get a loft in an old brick high rise...movable walls, huge windows etc....

When Hubby and I owned our singlewide we renovated that master bath as well. We removed the hideous garden tub and bought a jacuzzi, but it also needed to be a shower. So after some creative install with a surround we then discovered that we needed a custom shower rod.

Nothing was big enough...well I like the looks of copper, hmmm, Hubby is a plumber. So he got some copper pipe, forget the diameter now, and bent that to create the shower rod. We also wanted this shower to have a shower head at each end.

Not sure how the plumbing was assembled but I do know that the water went thru the shower curtain rod! There was a little shut off valve that you could turn to shut off one shower head or the other, or open it and use both heads. And yes, LOL, one of them was a hand held unit, it sure does make the cleaning easier.

Anyways, wanted to say thanks for the pics and continue the good work and inspiration that you give to others.


RE: Koiflowers

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:48 pm
by Koiflowers
Thanks. I do like contemporary, just can't get it going on in this house. I'm using the furniture from my Victorian house that was traditional, and making it work here. But that furniture is too big for these spaces, so it doesn't make be very happy.

Hubby is a welder, so he likes to work with metal. He's one of the few people certified to weld aluminum.

I actually asked if the water could flow through the shower rod, and he couldn't get the vision in his head. Your hubby the plumber listened better. I wish mine had. I get these crazy ideas and he just stares at me in disbelief.

Something you said in a post I read, was that you don't let hubby and kids help with your projects, so they don't get messed up. Not a quote, I read posts until 3:00 am one night, but I think that was the jest. That's what happened with the crown molding project. Because he's the "man" he took the project from me, and couldn't figure it out. To keep peace, I asked the neighbor to come help him figure it out, so I wouldn't have to jab a pencil in my eye in frustration. He knows Will, so he laughed and took the project away from both of us. Alls well that ends well.

I'm looking for diversions today (son leaving for Iraq Monday), and your posts helped get my mind off it a little. I'm a weeper from way back and I'm loosing it today for some reason.

RE: Koiflowers

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:09 pm
by Harry
Yo Koiflowers

Please let your son know that I appreciate his service.

My best wishes.


RE: Koiflowers

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:20 am
by Robert
Hi Koiflowers. As Harry said, tell your son we send our thanks and support and pray for safety for him and his unit, as well as all others.

Take care and welcome.