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painting exterier

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:44 pm
by Heather
Hi everyone, I'm new to the sight :D and was wondering ,I'm painting my mobile home this spring and putting up shutters,{ trying to make it look better}, does anyone have any suggestions on a color?

RE: painting exterier

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:53 pm
by Yanita
Hi Heather,

Iam going to move this thread to the Decorating forum. That seems to be where all the paintinf threads land.

LOL, this forum is for Website Questions, meaning questions about the functions of the site.

To give any thoughts on colors it wuld be helpful if we could see what you are working with, could you post a pic please.

Welcome to the the site!


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:34 am
by Heather
I am having a little trouble getting use to the sight , so it might take alittle time to send a pic ,but I will soon when I learn how lol. I have been on this sight lots, and love everything about it, the people seem very nice and I have got so many ideas, I am glad to be a member now. thanks

RE: painting exterier

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:06 am
by texasprairierose
Hi Heather,

Originally our house was slate blue with white trim and no shutters. Seven years ago, we repainted it custard yellow, added white shutters and kept the trim white also. We love it...the greenery such as the shrubs, flowers and especially our red climbing rose (on a white lattice) really pops against the pale yellow.


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:23 am
by Heather
Wow, that sounds so pretty. I would love to see a pic. I read somewhere on the forum that you can buy this software ,and load a pic of your house and then try different paint samples on it, that sounds neat. Thanks for the ideas