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Site planning a mobilehome

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:31 pm
by Steve S.
Hi All,
Don't know if this subject has been covered before (probably ad nauseum)...however, I was thinking of how energy efficient my home is and I owe a lot to the previous owners' foresight in setting up this home.
Several factors come into play when choosing a site and orienting the home on the site. In my case, the house has front and back doors on the same side which is facing southeast and my bedroom with large alcove windows faces south. On sunny winter days I hardly ever use the furnace because of radiant heat from the sun. The grounds are also landscaped to my advantage...for example, on the north and west sides of the home are large pines which shelter the home from cold winter winds...and on the south and east sides are deciduous trees which shade the house in the summer from excessive heat and allow sunlight to reach the house in the winter. The ground was also built up under the home so water does not collect there.
I use about 200 gallons of heating fuel (kerosene) per year and my electric bill is around $30-40/mo. No cooling costs of course since I live in Maine. Besides the site planning, I have also done all the usual energy conserving tips, but I am always looking for more ideas. But siting the home is a huge factor in reducing energy consumption in my estimate :lol: !

RE: Site planning a mobilehome

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 2:02 pm
by Yanita
Hi Steve,

You are 100% correct. Landscaping properly will require taking notes and learning about you weather and the lay of your land. Not to mention planting the right plants/trees to get the best benefit.

There are several websites that can help a landowner figure it all out. I too had the benefit of previous owners planting the right stuff for protecting the home from the elements.

Of course the most costly one was a very long wind break needed from the commercial fields adjoining our property. Last year I planted 10 wax myrtles, these are fast growing and will eventually become an excellent wind break.

Once we get past this horrible drought and I see how many trees survive I will then start under planting those trees with other shrubs. I still have other trees I want to plant, but I have to be real careful with what the mature size of the tree will be in relation to the home, we are in a hurricane prone zone!


Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:07 pm
by chasMB
Well Yanita I hope you are getting some of this rain I am just south of the NC border. OOPS I just remembered the weather forcast said you get SNOW.

RE: Site planning a mobilehome

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:22 pm
by Yanita
Hi Chas,

It is miserable out, we have gotten a real cold rain all day, we need it though. The temp has dropped enough that it is now sleeting.

My son left for work not all that long ago...he said the roads were getting slippery in areas.

LOL, we are one step ahead of the weather, got the generator out this afternoon, fired her up since it has been awhile, then sent Hubby to fill up all the gas cans!

We have a large pine tree in the front of the home that our main electric line goes through the branches. If a branch snaps, there goes the power. Being out in the country our service is not tops in priority.

Take care,
