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Analog Television Info

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:29 pm
by SpongeBob
From what I understand about it, those of us who depend on cable tv, our non-digital receiving tv sets will not work the way they do now at the end of this year 2008. We will have to purchase a new digital tv or rent or purchase a converter box that will convert our analog signal (what most of us have now I think) to a digital signal. Folks who depend on their own tv antenna for reception will also have to make a decision on how to receive their programs also. This was fresh on my mind today, so I thot that I would post it so we would at least have a year to think about it.

p.s. I'm not sure if this applies or not to those using satelliteImage dishes. But the good folks on here will fill us in with more info as it becomes available.

RE: Analog Television Info

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:48 pm
by Kristi1
hiya Bob,

I think most TV's will Still work with Cable Hopefully after 2009. Because Digital Televisions cost too much for me right now. When the prices go down someday I might buy a big LCD TV for my living room.

I truly think that TV's with antennas will not work because Television is going off the air, So, we all would need Cable or Digital Televisions!

Oh, Edit.... I have Digital Card in my Big fast computer I rebuilt, so, I think I am okay with my 19 inch LCD Flat screen lol.


Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:55 pm
by wes
read all about dtv.

RE: Analog Television Info

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:20 pm
by Guest
I read that they are already planning financial assistance for people below a certain income level who cannot afford to switch to cable TV at full price, television being a basic human right and all. No doubt it's being funded by those warm-hearted folks responsible for the 12 minutes of commercials per hour on Cable TV.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 11:39 pm
by wes
it's 40 buck coupon toward the purchase of a dtv/analog converter. this is for over the air reception in the usa.

LG and Philips will be showing off some of the first at this year's CES, and the boxes will go on sale for around $60 in the first quarter of the year. To help ease the transition, starting January 1, you'll be able to request a $40 coupon subsidy from the federal government.,14075 ... ticle.html

RE: Analog Television Info

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:46 pm
by oldfart
Hmmmm...not that this needs to be brought up as I'm sure most of ya'll are already "in the know," but why this change in analog signal vs. digital signal?? Well, it seems our gov't feels they need to have access to analog signals for military purposes. Certain sattilite (sp.?) stuff and whatnought. Who knows? In any case..the gov't wants/needs and so they take. Simple as that. And of course the gov'ts answer to solving the problem is "a free coupon" to upgrade your analog system if you can not afford the digital system. Folks..the next time you pick up a newspaper or read an e-mail...view a newscast or get a letter in the mail do this simple task. Every time you read or see "provided by the gov't/free/local/state/federal/ support/ad-nauseum" means paid for by the taxpayers. Our gov't has no does not make money nor earn it. What it does... so splendidly... is spend it. This free coupon is not free. I payed for it. I'm paying for the illegal immigrants taking our jobs, the minorities usurping my tax dollars. I don't owe anyone squat. And yet I pay. 35% of my earnings go to support the 12% of so-called Americans that do not or will not work. I'm tired of it. I owe no reparations...the Free Trade Agreement is a scam. I'm tired of supporting the United Nations. We do the work and send in the troups...and for nought. Enough...enought. Audie...done for the day...

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:11 pm
by Greg
Audie, the digital signal is much narrower than an alilog signal. With all the wireless communications today the bands are getting very crowded . I bought a digital HDTV a few months ago, if you have not seen them yet, you will not believe the quality you can get from an antenna, people see it and swear I'm on cable untill I show them. The bands are so much narrower that one station now has 4 channels where 1 used to be.
the sad part is that the government has the plans for vouchers for converter boxes that no one is even building yet! and the vouchers must be used in 90 days! Greg

RE: Analog Television Info

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:24 pm
by wes
here's what my cable co. says.

There is a growing concern that you may have to get new TV's or boxes on all of your TV's to receive your local off-air stations. We would like to take this opportunity to help you understand how we are providing you these local off-air stations.

If you have Cable, you will receive the local off-air stations the same way you receive them today. This means no added boxes to your televisions or the need to get rid of your old TV's for new ones. We strive very hard to make sure we keep your life simple.

We are prepared for the transition, and have the equipment in place to make the transition seamless for you.

In short, you don't have to change a thing.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:50 pm
by Greg
Sorry, I just re read the inital post, if you have cable or dish you should be fine, I was refering to those of us that still use a good old fashon antenna on the top of the roof. Greg

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:01 pm
by Demolition
I would like to meet the guy who came up with INFORMERCIALS...
So I could punch him in the nose.

RE: Analog Television Info

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:57 am
by garrett_reukauf
I dont remember the manufacturer, but I heard on the news, that they just came out with a prototype of a 100" some odd inch plasma flat screen. Thats a big dang screen! Have to add on to the living room just to watch it, but I bet the game would look good on it. Set it up in the front yard and charge addmission! LOL

RE: Analog Television Info

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:52 pm
by Yanita

I have a 42" plasma, but I want one for outside...think it would be great to float in the pool and watch NASCAR! ... sgodaAIWYA

A quick search of a 100 plus inch tv yielded no results but I did find this on the 60".


RE: Analog Television Info

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:05 pm
by SpongeBob
Hi Yanita,
We all wanted you to be comfortable watching Nascar from the pool so we pitched in for this: Let us know if the colors are ok?

RE: Analog Television Info

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:30 pm
by wes
a 108" sharp lcd
sharp is the largest commercial at 103"
a 150" panasonic plasma sometime this year. ... e-150-inch

RE: Analog Television Info

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:08 pm
by Yanita
LOL SpongeBob,

I already have the floating chairs, etc, even a little floating table to hold the drinks, now I need this huge tv to watch the race on! Oh and for the color choices, check out my profile and you will see a couple of my favorite colors, you choose well, LOL.

I went to the link and read up on the 150 inch tv, not released until 2009, then in prototype, certainly will be out of my price range.
