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A dumb question about moulding...

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:34 pm
by Robin
It's me, again! I am so dumb when it comes to this kind of thing. Okay. Our mh has this really thin, cheap-looking stuff they call baseboard in the rooms that have vinyl floors. Not really sure what it is, but it's coming out. It's already removed from our bathroom project, and burned.

Hubby refused to go shopping with me for my materials - his excuse was that he knows nothing about this stuff and I suppose I do - so my mom went with me. I was trying to pick out something to use as a baseboard. He had told me to just get quarter round. I did. But, the original baseboard was about 2 inches tall, so they cut the wall strips accordingly. The quarter round I bought did not cover the gap left between the floor and where the strips begin. So...back to Lowe's, and this time I picked out something called mullion. I don't know why, I just liked the way it looked.

So now, a little late, I finally reading online about how to build up a baseboard profile. And I might do a little more detail in our hall and living room, so it will look prettier, but is there anything wrong with using the mullion, and placing the quarter round against it at the bottom, as a baseboard for this bathroom? I don't know what else I'd be able to use the mullion for, and I've already painted it white, and...I need to get thru with this project before Christmas!

Sorry this is so long. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!

RE: A dumb question about moulding...

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:41 pm
by Yanita
Hi Robin,

Excuse the chuckling on this end, always best to research what a projects involves, before purchasing items.

Is the mullion trim wide enough to cover the gap? This is typically used to trim smaller panes of glass in a window.

If you can not or do not want to purchase the typical baseboards then you can always make your own. We use 1x3 or 1x4 pine. Either Hubby or I router a decorative top edge, sand, prime and paint. You could use this method and I guess attach your decorative moulding to it in some fashion that you find appealing.

Good luck.


Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:50 pm
by Greg
If you already have 1/4 round you could use 1x2 or 1x4 on the bottom against the floor and put the 1/4 round on top of that, that would give you a rounded top.
The other idea would be to buy an inexpensive router and som bits and make your own moldings. Greg

RE: A dumb question about moulding...

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:01 pm
by Robin

Yep, it is wide enough to cover the gap, and really, with the quarter round on the bottom, you can't tell the mullion looks the same on both sides. For all anybody would know, it was flat at the bottom.

I know, I know - research first, then go to the store! I'm bad about jumping the gun, but it'll be okay. This room looks so much better already, but I'm really wanting to have it finished by Christmas. And we're so close. Now with my increased knowledge about baseboards, I can choose something different for my hall and LR, but I know me - when I get down to the other end and start on my bathroom, I'll have to choose the mullion again, just so my bathrooms match! I know - weird.

RE: A dumb question about moulding...

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:14 pm
by Robin
Mullion is used to trim small panes of glass in a window? This stuff has to be too wide for that! That's why, when I saw it, I thought "baseboard." Strange.

I've found a website that identifies all the types of moulding and what they are used for (for example, if it's used for ceiling trim, chair rails or baseboards). A little late, but I'll make work what I have, because I honestly can't think of another use for this. And, I've painted it white.