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Has anybody heard of the E2EB-015HA catching fire?

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:26 pm
by mrdanblank
My furnace wiring caught fire and melted all of the components inside the unit. The techs that I talked to said it was a flaw in the wiring.
I researched the issue and was only able to find 1 entry on this type of incident.
Has anybody ever heard of this happening or experienced it first-hand? :?

RE: Has anybody heard of the E2EB-015HA catching fire?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:01 am
by Robert

This is something that can and has happened before (with different furnaces over my 28 years in trade), but would need to know why and how.

If a Tech thinks it is flaw in wiring, how so and in what way.

Several things can cause this, so a thorough inspection would be needed to determine how and why.
