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Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:33 pm
by Richard Ward
We have this system, with a 2 ton AC unit, in a 16 X 80. We just can't get ahead of the heat. There has been several days this year where it ran all day till the sun went down. It does great in the winter on heat.
Any suggestions? We have a single speed blower, would it help to change it out. As much as it runs we will probably have to change it soon anyway.
Would a power roof vent help? Is there something that we could put in the duct system to boost the flow?
The temp at the registers is good and we have ceiling fans and other fans to help move the air.

Also, Does Coleman Evcon recommend a filter brand that would fit the door better than others?



Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:51 pm
by Robert

Will need model number of Condenser unit.

A 16X80 would most likely need closer to a 3 ton, but would need a Manual J Load Calculation to determine exact size needed.

For example, my home is 16X80 and has a 3 ton.

Also, remember with the heat wave and the humidity this summer, the a/c will run for long periods IF it does its job.

The problem lies in the fault of IF it runs all day and still is not cool in home.

Also, that furnace came with the single speed motor for both heat and cool. It would improve matters if it was changed to a 2 or 3 speed motor.

Also, you can remove all floor registers, then lay a flashlight down in the end register. Go to next one and hold a mirror down in duct looking back toward the light.

Keep moving to check out the entire trunkline for damage, holes, blockages, etc... .

Better doors, windows wall insulation helps, keep belly sealed tight and skirting sealed tight also.

Ceiling fans help keep air circulating.

Keep curtains closed on the sunny side to prevent heat from "shining" in through windows and doors.



Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:09 pm
by Richard Ward
Hello, The AC unit is a Payne md# PA10JA030-A.
It does cool the house but when the temp goes above 90 it will just keep running. It cools but the temp will slowly climb up to 82-84. When the sun finally drops it cools right back down.
We run the set point at 78.

Is it a big deal to change to a 2 or 3 speed fan?

Thanks, R


Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 4:50 am
by Robert

Would most likely have to change entire blower assembly. The multi-speed will have different size wheel and be bigger itself and probably won't fit in old housing.

You just disconnect wiring, remove a few screws from side flanges and slide it out.

May need a thorough cleaning and could be low on charge also.

With higher temps, they run alot during day, but should be able to maintain a 78* temp at least.
