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Low underbelly issues

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 3:29 pm
by mirabella69
Good afternoon Forum users !
I live alone in a 1976 Herrli mobile home in a registered park in Massachusetts. since moving here in 2001, I have completed many improvements , but unfortunately there is an issue regarding the lack of space under my mobile home. This is proving to be a deterrent to getting my 15 year old heat tape replaced.
I have had two different people look at the situation and neither feels they can work in that environment....the original person who installed my heat tape years ago is pretty much retired now, and has when asked about replacing the original heat tape..."if it ain't broke ".....even though I replied well then...say it stops working in the middle of the frigid winters we have here...then I'm up s----s creek ! So the last plumber to look underneath and I was right there beside him so I saw the that everything looks's wrapped and the electrics that control the tape are lit and working....he also told me this was the lowest underbelly he had ever seen ! what a compliment ! he suggested purchasing some kind of insulation board , having it cut to fit and install it behind the skirting . My concern is what do I do when the tape definitely stops working ? I size up every worker I see...slim, flexible , and not afraid to work in perhaps 1 ft of space lying on one's back far, no takers !
So I'm begging for suggestions...has anyone ever had this problem ? I know that "jacking" up the unit is a HUGE job....someone else suggested digging a big hole then tunnel about 6 ft to the location where the pipe goes ....then one could stand up and work ...that would require authorization from the park owners... ( as well as a bulkhead, I'm thinking ) so the area would always be accessible for other under belly work...Sorry this is so long winded....
Looking for a solution...( other than try to sell it and get outta Dodge !)

Thanks ahead of time !


Re: Low underbelly issues

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 8:47 pm
by Greg
15 yrs is pushing it for heat tape. You are right to want to replace it BEFORE you have problems. I think I would also look at small teenagers as possible tape changers. I would also use add insulation behind the skirting for extra protection.


Re: Low underbelly issues

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:42 pm
by mirabella69
Thank you, Greg !
You are the second person to recommend additional insulation behind the skirting,
and the problem with a small teenager is that he most likely wouldn't know what to do.........properly !

Re: Low underbelly issues

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:34 pm
by AbbottsManor
What ever you do get your heat tape replaced. I never replaced mine until my inlet pipe froze when the heat tape failed on the coldest day of the year last winter. Missed a day of work waiting for the plumber (he actually came the next day) and cost $500 to replaced the heat tape and insulation. He did install a professional grade heat tape and not the kind you buy at Walmart like was originally there. It did last 25 years though!