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Desperate for Help - How to Repair?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:37 pm
by Amythyst
So, my mother has been living in the same trailer for like 12 years. She doesn't really have any money and there are so many problems with her trailer and no way to fix them. The biggest problem is running water. They don't really have running water because their pipes are clogged and nobody can fix it. Plumbers won't do anything cause they claim they don't work on mobile homes and none of us are qualified to do anything with it. Their water is well water and the park they live in won't do anything either. They barely have any cold water and the hot water won't come out at all. She can't wash clothes or anything like that... do you guys have any earthly idea how to troubleshoot a problem like this or how it can be resolved? Do they have to replace the entire water piping system?

Any guidance is appreciated.

Re: Desperate for Help - How to Repair?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:13 pm
by Greg
Plumbing is really very basic. If you are going to to the work your self Start where the main line comes into the home. Turn the water off, Take the connection apart, have someone turn the water on quick and check for good flow. If you have good flow, put it back together and go to the next connection and do it over. Keep going until you find one that has poor flow. your problem will be between the two. It may be a shut off valve issue also, but you need to do the work to find the problem.


Re: Desperate for Help - How to Repair?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:18 am
by 1987Commodore
If you want to replace all the plumbing, PEX is very easy to work with, and the tubing itself is cheap.
As to your problem, I would first examine any shutoff valves; one may be defective or clogged.
Have you tried closing/opening the main valve where the park's supply comes out of the ground beneath the home? If the issue is there, that one would be the park's responsibility.

Re: Desperate for Help - How to Repair?

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:45 pm
by ponch37300
From what you describe I would say you are beyond trouble shooting and time for a full replumb. Like already mentioned it's not that hard to do and not that expensive. PEX is wonderful stuff to work with. If it were me and money was tight I would start from the beginning. Start where the main line comes in, there should be some form of shut off. Everything after that shut off will probably need to be replaced. I would start by getting a good valve on there so you can easily shut it on/off as needed. Then start doing sections at a time as money allows. Run a 3/4" main line down the whole house for the cold and hot. Then 1/2" off that to each sink, toilet, washer, shower, etc. Also will have to look into the hot water issue. If the water is that bad and clogged up a new water heater will most likely be in your future. Be sure to order some belly repair material for where you have to cut into the belly to do your work. If you live in the cold then make sure the insulation is good also while you are in there so you won't have any water freezing issues come winter.

Re: Desperate for Help - How to Repair?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:06 am
by Steve-WA
You don't sound like a do-it-yourselfer. Best bet is to keep looking for a plumber, or a *reliable* handyman (church?) to troubleshoot and fix or re-plumb

Re: Desperate for Help - How to Repair?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:23 am
by Amythyst
Actually its the cold water that is the most clogged. I goofed. They have to use the hot water for most everything because that is the only thing that flows at all.

No, I'm not a do-it-myself kinda girl... :D I'm just tired of listening to my mom complain about it and that she has no way to fix it bla bla... so I wanted to know how it should be done. She has had plumbers come in but they either want to charge her out the nose or they refuse to do it and say they don't work on trailers. So, its very frustrating.

I'm not sure where to find a reliable "handyman" that would be able to do an inexpensive competent job?

Re: Desperate for Help - How to Repair?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:59 pm
by Steve-WA
Ask people you trust if they know anyone ; ask around @ church; ask @ the contractor desk @ Lowe's, Menard, or home Depot. A handyman should be skilled enough to troubleshoot this & fix it, & you won't have to pay $85/hr for a plumber