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Mold in corners and along center beam

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 7:44 pm
by concretegardenstx
Hi guys,

I'm hoping maybe someone can shed some light on this. We have noticed that there are small patches of mold growing in some of the corners of the ceiling; around the center "column" in the kitchen (it has cabinets and a recessed area for the microwave, and it is attached to the passthrough that goes from the kitchen to the living room). There are also some flat pieces on the wall, I think maybe they hide seams, otherwise I'm not sure what they are there for, but I can see mold behind some of them (around this column in the kitchen, but also behind one in the bedroom. There are also some spots next to the center beam that runs along the seam to the house. I know the bedroom has high humidity (I assume because of the master bath and we always keep the bedroom door shut).

So, just wondering if anyone had thoughts on this. We didn't see where there was roof damage, but that was just from looking from the ground. I appreciate any advice.

Oh, it's a 1995 Palm Harbor home. Thanks!

Re: Mold in corners and along center beam

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:07 pm
by Greg
It does sound to me like it may be a roof leak. You will need to get up there and take a close look.
