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Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:43 am
by blbrade1
Hi Lisa, I too agree with the others replacing the drywall is certainly the better way to go I thought that you were set on covering the old and that is why I offered my advice on doing it that way I also feel the same as don if you use 1/2 inch you will be more satisfied 3/8 is pretty thin and will break esier and doesn't provide as much fire protection or insulation

RE: Drywalling over vinyl wallboard??

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:41 am
by Yanita

Since this is an older home it is advisable to know what size your roof rafter/trusses are before you hang rock as heavy as 1/2 inch on the ceiling.

Again, JMO


Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:15 pm
by DigitalDreams
Technical note:Number of beams under house not
necessarily related to strength ,size of beam determines strength I work with some that would hold your house and mine on one beam.Written on the beam somewhere will be the size such as 8x28
that means height of beam 8 inches and weight per foot of beam is 28 pounds which won't mean much to you unless you plan to move it but that number also allows you to look up f-kips which is the weight
it will hold related to length.Example I used a 8x28
beam 18 feet long on my new shed door opening and at that length it will hold almost a semi truck.

RE: Drywalling over vinyl wallboard??

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:33 pm
by Yanita

I only mentioned the beams under the home to the poster to know if she has a mobile or modular. I don't recall saying or asking anything about weight....except in a post that mentioned hanging 1/2 inch sheetrock throughout the entire home, which I took as the ceiling as well since that had been mentioned. In which case I would want to know that the trusses/rafters (not I beams) are able to sustain the weight of 1/2 inch rock.


Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:31 pm
by trulyLisa
Thank you, you guys! I haven't checked the basement beams yet but I know they are at least 8" and they go across the width of the house. But there might be smaller ones going the length also. I can't remember for sure. Does 2" x 6" sound right for the roof rafters and trusses? That's what i remember being told. We just had an $8,000 new roof, gutters and 4 new skylights put on the house. The thing that bothers me and I'd really like your honest answer is "Do these homes appreciate at all?". I mean, I'm sinking all this money in remodeling it. Is it worth it? Plus I'm paying over $3,000 a year in real estate taxes.

I'm getting so depressed. Should I even bother?

RE: Drywalling over vinyl wallboard??

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:56 am
by Yanita
Hi Lisa,

Thanks for the link of your home, yup, you have a modular. Although they can be similar you DO NOT have a mobile home.

With the size trusses you have you can go ahead with 1/2 inch sheet rock on the ceilings should you choose.

Keep in mind this is a mobile home website so most information here will not always pertain to your home.

Mobile homes have at least 2 I beams that run the length of the home. Our home is constructed on top of these I beams, they sustain all the weight of the home. As you know they also add a hitch and that enables our homes to be hauled down the road.

Your home was built in sections and hauled on top of a flat bed truck and then each section was put together. The I beams under your home is because you sit on a basement.

I believe your home will appreciate/or not the same as a traditional home as you are not a mobile...

But there is a fine line on over upgrading, it really depends on what is in your neighborhood. Fair market values have everything to do with location and what it is comparable to.

I am going to be locking this thread soon as it seems we are starting to veer off from the orginal topic.


Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:01 pm
by trulyLisa
Thank you, Yanita. No I don't have a hitch or a flat roof but I definitely have the same type of walls that you all do and that is why I came to this site for advise, and I must say I have gotten great advise. I am not going to let them drywall over the vinyl wallboard. I am going to have them tear them down and make them brand new. :) If I didn't come here I would have made a big mistake. Thank you all so much.