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Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:49 am
by tnt17
Yanita i think it's safe to say that Ike will be southern Florida bound. Big difference in the sheer and dry mass between Hannah and Ike. We'll see, but hope that eases your tension....i can say i'm 85% sure it's southern florida bound, and 100% sure it won't be Carolina bound. (landfall wise)
Still could the after effects, but this should ride up through the Alabama/Georgia line way once over land.

RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:27 pm
by Harry

How'd it go???


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:35 pm
by Yanita
Hi Harry,

Sorry I have not posted sooner. We are fine and thanks so much for asking.

The storm came in slightly more to the west than originally forecasted, or at least from the last time I watched the forecast. At any rate we did get some pretty good wind gust and not near the rain we thought and expected. Actually wish we had gotten more.

Now the Piedmont area, (middle section of the state) got hit hard. Flash floods abound.

Not meaning to sound ugly or wanting others to go through tragedy but I am glad that IKE is heading away from me!

Had a bunch of guest today so been pretty busy. Tomorrow will be spent raking up leaves and smaller tree limbs, and finish cleaning out the pool!

Again, I would like to Thank all of you for the personal emails that you sent and those of you that called. It's great to know that I have so many that care!

For all of you that are in the way of any hurricanes and even some that think you are not keep your head up on these forecast, the Atlantic is hot this year!


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:40 am
by Harry

Sounds good.

Looks like Ike is headed away from me too.

Gota do some chores so I can watch 1pm football.


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:51 am
by Yanita

FOOTBALL???? Nascar is having a double header today!!!!! LOL


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:59 am
by Harry

Thanks. I have the TV with the multiple windows. Flip back and forth. It's next to the PC so I can surf the net. And talk to my bride in the next room at the same time who is playing with her Wii.

Life is good..........


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:13 pm
by savannahjules
Well, I just got back from central Florida. I talked my parents out of coming to Savannah for the weekend by going down there. Thankfully, Savannah got very little of anything from Hanna.

We're watching Ike closely to make sure he doesn't pull a Charlie, if he does, Mom and Dad will visit me next week.

I'm glad everyone here made it through okay.


RE: Built for windzone III, but will it really hold?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:29 pm
by Yanita
Thanks Jules for the update.

You will find if you hang around here long enough we try to keep up with our members.

Whenever we have members in bad weather we ask for them to check back and let us know they are ok.

Have a great day...
