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Re: RE: Minor/Major plumbing issues

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:47 pm
by Jaie
Greg wrote:Jaie, As Yanita said, the plumbing should be above the belly insulation just under the floor. As strange as it may sound, all the snow you get MAY have helped prevent freeze ups by blocking the cold from getting under the home. As for the electricity, just run a cord over to the nuke plant, they won't mind too much! Greg
I guess I wasn't clear. The PEX is going under the trailer into the beams above the underbelly. That would make it under the insulation as well. Since I'm unwilling to rip any floors out (any more than I have to anyhow) I will be pushing this stuff up as high as it will go from underneath.

And no, the idea of the snow preventing freezing isn't odd. The way my trailer is set up, one end gets more air flow than the other, and yes, I realize the snow saved my butt here the last few years. However, this year was what we'll call "extenuating" due to super cold temps. Because the usual packing of snow sure didn't keep anything from freezing.

Re: RE: Minor/Major plumbing issues

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:51 pm
by Jaie
Greg wrote:As for the electricity, just run a cord over to the nuke plant, they won't mind too much! Greg
*grin* I'm sure my ex would LOVE that idea!!