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RE: Wind Blowing Up Kitchen Floor

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:40 am
by jinx
I'm going to send a certified letter to the MH company(still under warranty) and tell them they need to get on this. It's been almost a month since I contacted them about it. After they receive the letter and I don't hear from them I will hire an inspector to find out what is going on. I have 3 things that concern me. #1 the kitchen floor puffing up. #2 I keep getting shocked and #3 this home gets so dusty and dirty. My other home was a 1978 and stayed cleaner than this. We buy the A/C filters that are supposed to last 90 days but have to change them at 30 days if not before.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:04 am
by Dean2
JD hit right on I think,skirting should breathe to some degree to vent moisture but the floor covering shouldn't be lifting,I can sure state the obvious can't I?!

What direction was the wind from that day? Maybe start with the skirting inspection on that side.

On the bright side it may have removed some of the gas(formeldahyde?)that is slowly emitted from some types of sheeting! Kinda makes a body wonder if the underbelly should be vented too,to remove any dangerous gas build-up.?.

RE: Wind Blowing Up Kitchen Floor

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 5:53 pm
by jinx
We don't have skirting. The home is set at ground level.


Here you can see in the front that it has an opening in the front. There is also one in the back. For air flow. See where the screen is right below the electrical cord?
