discolored tubs

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I have a round soaker tub in the Master and a small tub shower combo in the 2nd bath. I know the small tub is plastic. The women at the local mobile home repair told me all mobile home tubs were plastic. What can you clean them with? They are both discolored. Can you restore or paint them?
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Brenda (OH)
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if the discoloration is due to rust in the water, I would try ZUD liquid cleaner. It has an extra ingredient that removes rust stains. i would search the web for restoring plastic tubs. I know porcelain tubs can be refinished.

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CLR also will work on rust stains on many tubs. Greg
"If I can't fix it, I can screw it up so bad no one else can either."

I have tried both of those. My tub is kind of beige, but it is on the far side from the drain and it looks orange. Thanks for trying. :?:
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Is this discolored area receiving sunlight from either a window or skylight?

I am going to move this to the Decorating forum, most of these post are over there. You might also want to find a few of them and see if there are any other ideas there for you.

The difference between success and failure is who gives up first!

We covered the skylight a long time ago because my husband works nights to keep the bedroom darker
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