Crack in ceiling!!!

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:shock: Help!!!!!!
I just asked about the cold air but now I am concerned about a crack in my ceiling in the master bath.

I left a post about this crack last month and I thought I had fixed it. Weeeelllll I was just in there and low and behold it is crack again!!!
This time I noticed that the crack goes all the way through the sheet rock and part of it moves. This is VERY alarming to me!!! I guess when I fixed it the first time I just covered the crack. This time I used spackling and tried to get as much as I could into the crack to fix it.

I have included a picture of my so called repair job.

Did I repair this the correct way??

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I know you said the crack is in the master bathroom, but where on the to the exterior wall, is it under a truss?

Did you happen to take a pic before the repair?

Sorry I forgot to check to see if you had a profile available. Do you live in a double wide, if yes, is the crack near the marriage wall?

It is not uncommon to get cracks in sheetrock, but for it to crack completely through so that you can move one side is odd to me.

The difference between success and failure is who gives up first!

I live in a single wide Schultz. It is only 3 yrs. old. I honestly believe that the crack was caused when the MH was being moved to the site. The crack was there before my Dad (who I inherited from) moved in. This should have been a warranty issue but my Dad never pursued it.

This crack is next to the interior wall originating (I believed) next to the furnace. (by the chimney) The crack also goes out into the kitchen as well.

No, I did not take any before pics.

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Does the ceiling in these areas appear to have a slight sag. Or have you looked at the peak of your roof and looked for any sagging in the general area of the crack.

I am wondering if maybe you have a broken truss. (since you said you think it originated in transit)

Is the crack under a truss?

The difference between success and failure is who gives up first!

I'm not sure if there is a broken truss and I'm not sure if it under one. There doesn't seem to be any sagging. What I'm wondering is if it was caused by the chimney. That is movement from it. When I looked above the furnace I can see the crack starting from there and going out into the master bath and out a bit into the kitchen.

I am going to see if I can fix it now.
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Jeeeze call THAT a crack? (Lord..I hope this man has a sense of humor..) Bob....I'm gonn'a ramble on here a bit so stay with me and smile. Son..that ain't a crack..that's just an expansion joint! You wanna see cracks? I got REAL cracks! I mean cracks big e'nuff to throw a cat thru! Now... not my cats of course. Due to their slovenly attitude and wurflessness..and their ponderous posteriors...I couldn't ram 2 of them thru a 36in wide doorway side-by-side if I greased their wuf'less hides and got a good runnin' start!!! gum...if I set 3 of 'em in a row I couldn't jam them thru a slidin' glass door from the patio if they was all smeared with vasaline! But...I can understand yer frustration. I don't know how to fix it Bob. Spackeling and drywall mud won't work. It don't expand/contract. Nither will paint. Mebbe if we had enough white cats and wedged 'em into the cracks....uh oh...PETA is calling me. Gotta run Bob. Audie..the Oldfart. P.S. A wise man once told me.."Don't take this life too ain't no-how permenent!"
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Brenda (OH)
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once you go tthe source of the crack figured out, I wonder if paintable caulk would work? more flexible than spackle, and I see a lot of painters using it on cracks....


Oldfart, this could be an expansion joint?? I'm new at this. I had to open up the crack a bit to fill it in. I think I fixed it this time. No cracking so far. (knock on wood). I just need to sand it a bit and try to re-texture it and make look like the rest of the ceiling.
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