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:shock: This may not be the place to ask this question since it has nothing to really do with MH repair but I was wondering what the wind rating is for new MH. ( that is how much wind can a MH handle??)

Right now where I live in Wyoming we are in the middle of a nasty storm!!! The wind is just SHAKING my MH. It is holding up good so far but if the winds get any worse I think I am going to BAIL!!

My MH is strapped down but they are a bit loose.

Should I be worrying about this wind???
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Those straps hold the frame to the ground. So don't worry, even if the house blows away, the frame will stay there so you can find it.

The straps CAN stretch. You might look in the Yellow Pages for a licensed mobile home installer. They may have someone come out and put all new straps on there for the price of less than a re-level.

As long as the anchors are in the ground, all they need is the funny STRAP STRETCHER tool they use to band the New Straps and little clips.
They are used to the tools and can do them faster and you wont have to buy the tool.
Just pay for the Straps, Clips and Labor.
Call Dinwiddie Demolition we'll tear that house right down.
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Tie down strap tension can also be adjusted by tightening the slotted bolts at the anchor head.


Aside from the roof leak, soft floors, rats, mice and bursted plumbing ........ how do you like it?
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To my knowledge in one of the closets there is a data sheet about the home. This should include the wind rating, says something like Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3, and gives a map of the areas each zone includes.

If you have an older home you might be able to Google the info if your data sheet is not available.

Yes, the straps underneath do hold the frame to the ground, BUT, like my home we also have the straps that go up inside the exterior walls. BUT, I live in a hurricane zone.

If you have any doubts about your straps then you need a pro to check them out if you are unfamiliar with what you are looking at.

On a side note if you own the land your home is on and it is prone to high winds you might want to consider planting a wind break. Obviously it won't help tonight but over time it will.

The difference between success and failure is who gives up first!

Thanks for the replies. The wind has calmed down a bit. I do need to tighten the straps. Thanks Harry. The sloted bolt that you show in your rely is the same as mine. I just need to get under my MH and tighten them up. I will look around and see if I can find the data sheet that tells me what the wind rating is.

thanks again!!
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The way I look at it, you home has already survived a 60 MPH sustained wind on the way to your site, so go from there. Greg
"If I can't fix it, I can screw it up so bad no one else can either."

I've seen some of the wind ratings on the inside door of the kitchen cabinets. Otherwise check with a dealer who sells your model. If it's new (I assume it is since you asked for the ratings on a new one) you should have received a booklet of paperwork which would have that info in it.

My Data Sheet is laminated on the inside of the cabinet door under the sink. Pretty interesting stuff on that lil piece of paper. Alot of info on there too, dont loose it if you have yours or find yours.
I'm a truck driver and like Greg said, the MH's can withstand a 60 mph head winds, plus all the twist and bumps in the road. I've seen the way some of these MH transporters drive, they defenitely dont have "Freddy's CAREFUL Mobile Home Transport" on the side of the truck. HAHA and I've even seen them sailing by me and 70 -75 mph.
Whats really neat to see, is when a Dble Wide is going down the road and the wrap blows off, you get a really bad wind that comes along and the one half of that double wide just acts like a big wind sock with out that plastic. Well the wind has to go some where, thats how some of them end up on their sides.
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