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Metal roofs on manufactured homes

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:42 pm
by cnyguy
I've been noticing in my area a lot of manufactured homes with metal roofs. I don't need one yet but what's the deal with these? I know they're supposed to be very durable, but is this a big deal? I mean do they usually just "lay" these over the existing shingle roofs, or strip it down totally? I want to consider one when I have to consider a roof upgrade. Thank you.

Re: Metal roofs on manufactured homes

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 10:27 pm
by DCDiva
Many reasons, very fast/easy to install, you must put tar paper over the shingles or it voids the warranty but do not have to tear off the old shingles/roofing. Many color choices --we choose a light tan and a light grey, they are energy star and qualified for a tax credit. The lighter colors really help with cooling in both a MH and a regular home, we have a 20-40 degree difference from before to after in the summer. The air flow/venting with the metal is the biggest change. Plus snow just slips right off the roof.

Re: Metal roofs on manufactured homes

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:22 pm
by Greg
I am not sure of what the ages of the homes you are seeing, but metal roofs were by far more common than shingle up until about 10 years ago. Zoning & stricter park rules that require shingles have made a change. I personally feel that a maintained steel roof is superior to shingles, the key is MAINTAINED. You can not let it rust or you will have problems.


Re: Metal roofs on manufactured homes

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:10 am
by chablis
Shortly after I replaced my shingle roof with another shingle roof, the park changed its rules to allow metal roofs. Several homes of my vintage (1990's) now sport them. They are absolutely beautiful. I won't be doing this, I now have forty-five year warranty shingles atop a new roof deck, so I expect that mine will be pretty durable as well.