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Restretching A Metal Roof

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:07 am
by darbynelson
The manual says the "proper way" to deal with a metal roof that rattles is to re-stretch it however, it doesn't say how and I haven' been able to locate any information on how it's done. I don't feel secure enough to punch a bunch of holes while trying to find the rafters and given the choice between doing the re-stretching work to tighten the roof or punching a bunch of holes I prefer re-stretching. That said I also am lazy in that I don't mind doing the job ONCE and doing it right! If the re-stretching labor, tools and time are out of the question that leaves the "Rumble Buttons" and that begs the question if there is such an animal as a stud finder that can work through the metal? I tried the suggested way of "feeling" for them and have come to the conclusion that is an acquired art.

Although this is not directly a question of the subject line the skirt is bowing in spots and that part of the question is what do I fix that first? If I fix the roof first will future leveling (if necessary) negate the work done on the roof?

Thank You


Re: Restretching A Metal Roof

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:45 pm
by Greg
I honestly don't recall anyone here ever having a roof re stretched. I would check the home for level first and see if that helps any. A metal roof will expand & contract with heat & cold so it may never stay "tight".


Re: Restretching A Metal Roof

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:23 am
by oldtimer
While in Missouri I have seen some people place old tires on the roof to keep the noise down.
It may not look too pretty but helps.