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Forum Index Page Won't Load - Stalls

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:06 am
by Mark
If you are logged in and can access everything but the forum, then check your profile settings.

To access your profile settings, log in, click on 'my profile space' at the top, click on 'edit profile.' Look for the line that says enter weather code. Do not enter a name, enter a zipcode or leave blank. Press submit at the bottom and try it again.


RE: Forum Index Page Won't Load - Stalls

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:07 pm
by ebinfo
if you provide a valid USA zip code, then the weather mod at the bottom of the index page will retrieve the weather forecast according to the zip code.

since it's pulling the information out of another server, sometimes the delay might be longer or shorter depending of the traffic the other server is encountering at that time.

since i live in Canada and that the weather do not support Canadian zip codes i leave it empty and it loads blatantly fast.