Mobile Home Energy Efficiency

Woodstoves and Masonry Heating

Masonry Heating A growing trend in the United States is the use of masonry heating. Masonry heaters have been in widespread use in Europe for many years, and as such, are also known as “Finnish fireplaces”, “Russian fireplaces” and “Siberian …

What is Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is energy derived from a natural source, such that it is in an unlimited quality. Examples include solar power, wind power, geothermal power and hydro power. Unlike burning coal or wood, for example, the rays of the sun …

Mobile Home Energy Efficient Tips

Home improvement tips for energy conservation There are a few simple and inexpensive steps you can take to reduce energy costs in your home. Revamp your water heater. You can do this by lowering the thermostat setting on your heater, …

Wind Energy

Wind energy can be used in place of fossil fuels to derive electricity, thus decreasing the greenhouse effect. Wind produces no by-products; it is very clean and thus less polluting to the environment. Energy from the wind can be converted …

DIY Solar Panel for Heating Your Home

Long before the start of the cold season, Jack Sage (JES) from Montana and I listened to news reports of how heating costs this coming winter would be sky high. Paying last winter’s heat bill was tough enough, so knowing …