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Underbelly insulation repair

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:21 pm
by laurann
I am replacing the insulation underneath my mobile home, how much of an air space is optimal between the belly tarp with the insulation on it and the actual floor. I understand there needs to be a space for warm air to heat the pipes and the floor, but am not sure now much is enough. On the sides of the home it appears the insulation is stuffed between the floor joists and there isn't a lot of dead air space, is it necessary to redo that part? I was focusing on the middle section.

Thank you!

Re: Underbelly insulation repair

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:36 pm
by Greg
Ours has 4-6" of space under the joists in the center and up against the joists on the outside. I would say that as long as there is air space down the middle where the heat ducts & plumbing run you should be fine. Greg