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Miller smells like fuel at start-up.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:44 pm
by archive
my miller smells like fuel , only on start up . does it need the nozzle cleaned ?? How to ?? Thanks.


Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:45 pm
by archive
Actually you replace the nozzle,regap the electrodes,check ignition transformer for proper voltage usually 10,000 volts with a nice blue 3/4 minimum to 1 inch gap spark,change the oil filter,set the co to adjust for proper burn air rate. While you are at it check the pump oil pressure min 100 lbs and adjust to that rate. Also check for what we call post nasal drip. That is the check valve in the oil pump can be bad allowing unburnt oil into the combustion chamber after shut down. Once this is all done you have done the required annual tuneup on your oil furnace.

All of the above should be performed by a qualified oil burner repair person due to the fact that that most home owners do not have the proper tools or knowledge to do the work correctly. A properly tuned oil burner will save you lots of $$ this winter. Usually the money saved more than pays for the service call required. While the service person is at it have them lube the blower if necessary and perform other standard checks like the proper fan setting for temp rise and the hi limit test cut off. I know you always replace your air filter and that is why I did not mention it for the service person list.

Oil heat will take care of you and keep all in your house very warm BUT you have to take care of the oil furnace service every year for it to do its job correctly.
