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Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:21 pm
by digitaldreamz
:cry:Hello everybody, haven't been here in a while, got my roof fixed from my woodstove fire,
problem is, I got the insulation up, and put up plastic for the vapor barrier, the temp outside is beetween 40 and 50, my inside temp is 68 to 70, I also put up 5/16 wood sheathing sheets for the roof, one part is still not done I only have plastic and the condensation is bad I need to poke a hole or something to get the water to drain out of the insulation,
can somebody give me help on how to fix this problem, thank you so much, oh the roof has no leaks at all.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:01 pm
by flcruising
Does your roof have vents?


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:13 pm
by digitaldreamz
No it doesn't have any vents.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:17 pm
by flcruising
Unconditioned attic spaces need to breathe. Did you install your vapor barrier above the drywall, then insulate on top of that? Are you saying that the condensation is collecting on the unfinished part of the ceiling where the vapor barrier is exposed? Please paint a picture for me.


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:27 pm
by digitaldreamz
I replaced the metal on the ceiling that was burnt. Sealed it all up it is water-tight. then i put insulation, then plastic, then sheetrock. The condensation is still building up and dripping onto the insulation and then collecting on the plastic. There never was a vent before and never had a problem with condensation. Could it be that the plastic I put up is not sealed correctly?Image

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:16 pm
by flcruising
You kinda have redundant vapor barriers, but that's not the issue.

You said the condensation is still...
Is this a pre-existing issue? What is above that area? As in, what is the roof doing up there, is that the lower edge of the roof with the exterior wall being on the right? That seems like an awful lot of water to be condensation, and to be concentrated into such a small area. I suspect a leak myself.


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:49 pm
by digitaldreamz
Yes that is the exterior wall. The truss beam is what you see in the picture. The roof is kind of arched a little bit that's where the condensation collects and drips into that area because there is a little bit of a droop on that edge. Could I take that down and take the spray foam in the can and cover the entire area of new metal of the roof that was replaced? I need to fix this problem ASAP as I have a carpet crew ready to come in. Thanks for all the info


Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:36 pm
by JD
I am thinking like Aaron on this. It looks more like a leak than condensation to me. The cool thing here is that everything is accessible, as shown in the picture. I would pull the plastic and insulation down and look at the bottom of the metal first thing in the morning in the coolest temperatures. You should be able to see if it is condensation or a leak.


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:11 am
by flcruising
Yes, could you possibly get some pictures of what's going on on the underside of the roof? Is there no roof sheathing? You mentioned 5/16 in your first post. Does this area not have any sheathing?


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:47 am
by digitaldreamz
No sheathing yet because of the condensation. I am certain that it is condensation because in ferocious downpours there is no water dropping at all but when the temperature drops outside and it's warm inside there is water droplets all over the inside of the metal roof. Could I possibly spray foam the area and stuff it full of insulation from the truss to the roof but I do believe now that since I've had a hole open for awhile that it is widespread over the entire trailer. Should I wait for a day when there is no condensation buildup and seal it up the best I can? Thanks for all your posts.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:21 am
by Dean3
Not sure I can help here but wanna try.

Normally in houses there is no vapor barrier in the cieling so it can breathe a bit,at least that's the old way from before modern tightly sealed places that work with modern air handling.

My place is the same cieling/roof design as Yours digitaldreams,it is a 76 Hillcrest. I have seen no venting for the almost non-existant "attic" either.

I wouldn't suspect condensation unless there is plenty of moisture elsewhere in the "attic" or maybe if You add moisture to the living area and,as You say,the plastic "isn't sealed,,that just doesn't "feel right" tho..

One way to test for a possible missed leak is to spray the roof area with a hose to try to create it under cotrolled situation,,a leak can happen uphill and run down to manifest lower too..

One more kinda silly question;; Where is the chimney pipe and is it capped? If rain got into it it could,,possibly,,get through the splice due to the lower sections of pipe enterring the upper ones.. This paragraph is not likely IMO but just thought to mention it since nuthin else seems to be the problem..



Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:19 pm
by Greg S
If it is not a leak your attic must be drawing warm moist air from inside the home into the attic.
There may be many areas where the air is escaping into the roof area. If it is not possible to better seal then you need to look into ventilating the attic space.
Is it possible to see if condensation is forming on any other roof areas.
If the condensation is in only one location then that is likely where the air is escaping from the home into the attic area. Seal it better and see if it helps.


Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 5:47 pm
by Harry

Sounds like a roof leak to me too.

Let us know what it turns out to be.



Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:30 am
by digitaldreamz
could it be condesating because it is cold outside and the heat is on inside? will the condesation go away once I put the ceiling up? and it is all sealed up? Last week it rained for days on end and no leaks were noted.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:02 pm
by flcruising
It will still condense on the cold surface of the metal. The ceiling will help stop air movement, but unless you have the attic completely vapor sealed from the house side, you will have moisture getting to it. I think your best bet is to add a couple of roof vents, and use that opportunity (with the holes in the roof) to blow cellulose insulation up there.

Has your roof always been without sheathing?