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PICTURES**Can this bath tub be PAINTED?

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:39 pm
by pnm2001
master bathroom tub...plastic Im guessing....there is a window that was/is under the large mirror (previous owners covered with mirror?!) So the yellowing is from sun fading....
I painted the outside/step with multipurpose spray paint (first pic below w/daughter in it :) and it looks MUCH BETTER.....but now I want to paint the INSIDE of the tub......
what kind of paint should I use?


RE: PICTURES**Can this bath tub be PAINTED?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:00 pm
by Trudi
I know there are kits for refinishing bath tubs, but I DON'T know how effective they are. Have you tried getting a few estimates for professional resurfacing or talking to someone at Lowe's or Home Depot who might know something about the kits?

note: I see you are in San Marcos. When visiting my daughter in Austin, she took me to the biggest shopping complex (in San Marcos) I've ever seen. It was a shoppers dream. I'm going back in a couple of weeks; can't wait!!! :D

RE: PICTURES**Can this bath tub be PAINTED?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:57 pm
by Robin
That damage looks similar to mine, maybe a little worse. I have a really small octagonal window that I covered shortly after I realized the light was damaging my tub. But it continued to get worse, even tho I had the window covered with foil. Then recently I read somewhere that Dow scrubbing bubbles damages plastic bathtubs. That's what I used for a long time, and the damage is irreversible. I'm getting a new tub soon.

I'm sure this doesn't help, but I thought you might find it interesting, as I did. Good luck!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:41 am
by peachlizzard
We also have a garden tub, but no window and have not had any issues with it. BUT, at work (I run a truck stop) we have many showers and had to have one refinished by a local company. They look brand new. The cost was about $750 for two of them.. they do fiberglass repair and refinish. Maybe that is an option?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:20 pm
by Teatime
I think I'd be leery about painting the inside of a tub. If you really want to try it, though, perhaps that special paint for plastic outdoor furniture would work? If it's durable enough to withstand outdoor weather and storms, it might work? I dunno, but good luck!


RE: PICTURES**Can this bath tub be PAINTED?

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:31 pm
by Yanita

Way back when there was a thread similar to this one. If you do a search on painted tubs you might find it.

Everything that I have seen for refinishing generally does not last long enough to warrant the cost. The price of the refinishing you could probably replace the tub itself.


Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:42 pm
by Denise
I DID use the Fusion spray paint on the shower surround where I lived last year. It held up for about a year then where the tub and the surround met it started to peel. My mom had her green tub reglazed white when she lived in San Marcos, CA. It looked great for the five years she lived there after having it done.