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Our ever changing growing building World

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:04 pm
by Josh-CA
I've been looking around and doing searches every month or so for new building products and collecting information on building products with energy saving in mind.

I think some of you would be surprised at far ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) or SIP (S something Insulated Panels) have come recently.

This is my fav of the last few months. I haven't come across anything so far that is as complete and speedy and adaptable to both new construction and to integrate with existing construction as in a addition/repairs to stick homes or wheeled homes


There is a company in Palo Alto called NanoSolar.

They have come up with a solar panel "Film" that produces more solar energy than the glass solar panels at a HUGE reduction of price. The same or similar "film" concept that our 3.5 floppies are made out of. One of the popular installations is this solar film on metal roofs. I great for the wheeled investor/home owner.

:idea: ... Smart.aspx

2009 incentives, rebates, tax breaks are back and are back stronger for privately owned dwellings and also some for commercial savings. Some can be applied to wheeled homes

I am always adding links to this LL add-a-link of mine. In the mood for some new concepts? Go for a link stroll.


RE: Our ever changing growing building World

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:41 pm
by DigitalDreams
All those links are cool, but in a slumping economy I still think home grown ingenuity and self education are the best route.

The resources to learn are out there you just gotta look for them.

I'm not saying don't use produces you can purchase,but many of our grand parents made it through the great depression on almost nothing by using a little know how and a lot of home grown ideas.

Besides if you educate yourself on how to build it you may find a way to improve it and be the next green millionare.

But if your jobs secure and you got money in the bank to spend I say go for it because for every dollar you spend over time you will save three guaranteed .

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:28 pm
by Jim from Canada
I want a foundation under my place. If we ever get a piece of land, I will be putting in an ICF crawlspace under the home. Then the furnace/ water heater/ electrical panel will be getting new homes. Just a little project! lol


RE: Our ever changing growing building World

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:41 pm
by DigitalDreams
LoL know where you are coming from there took 5 years to find land that met all the needs we wanted.

Still working on the basement part but oh well 1 out of 16 ain't bad.

May be the procrastinator in me took a winter of high fuel prices to get me to build the solar panels and insulate more.

Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow,right - guess that explains the not being a multi-millionaire too.