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Finally got some landscaping done

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:18 am
by bmerri
I became a member back in the winter. I spent the whole winter looking at what would be the best plants for my landscape. I am a total beginner at this. It really didn't turn out to bad. I did add some trees for shade also. I'm still not done but got a good start. With the rain this year the plants really took off. Image

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 9:44 am
by Mark
Looks good. I like big rocks too. I got one worked into my landscaping, but it's not quite that big.


RE: Finally got some landscaping done

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:49 am
by Yanita

Looking good! I also like rocks, but being in eastern NC puts a damper on that. We don't seem to have alot unless you go to the quarries, then you pay a high price, even higher if you go to a landscaping company.

Glad you did some research on your plantings, always best to plant what is native to your area, and if you want only a couple of exotic type of plants. I have a few that I plant in pots and then bring them in over the winter.

When planting next to your home always remember to take into consideration the mature size expected of the plant. Always allow for good air circulation and do not block off any vents in your skirting.

If you want any flowering plants the biggest bang for your buck is perennials. Any thing in the daisy genre, knock out roses and daylillies are great. None of these require alot of maintenance or watering once established.

Good job and share more pics as you continue your progress.


RE: Finally got some landscaping done

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:23 am
by bmerri
I planted day lillies on the west end of the trailer, one brandywine maple in front of the trailer and one on the east end. i planted 2 ramapo phododendron on the west end and finished the edging and mulch along both ends. The big rocks my husband dug up out of our pasture. It's a 300 acre farm and there's lots of rocks. I also put the smaller one's around all my trees and mulch them also. The cat's sure seem to like the rocks.

RE: Finally got some landscaping done

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:30 am
by bmerri
Along our lane there's a curve up into the drive and I planted a red bud, a lynwood gold forsythia, some ornamental grass, and lined the curve with the rocks, added an old crock we found in the creek and some landscaping lights. I want to add some lights along the trailer also. Don't know if I can get it all done. Today, I'm going to wash my living room walls down, I filled and sanded the holes. Getting ready to paint. I hope you know how much I appriciate this site because I have spent so much time here and learned so much I hope you don't ever take it off. I'll post some pics. if it turns out.

RE: Finally got some landscaping done

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:58 pm
by Yanita

Great pic with the cat...BUT I am a cat lover!

Last year I planted a row of wax myrtles to buffer the winter winds here in NC. Some of them survived and some did not. I think I may plant a row of redbuds as well.

Landscaping even on a small scale can get horribly expensive. Now that you have the basic planting done you can add to it over the years!

I love to add architectural elements to my gardens. Some have arbors, some have an old tricycle/bicycle with baskets of flowers hanging from the handlebars. I have lots of bird feeder and baths about. I have found several large broken clay pots that I lay on there sides in the various gardens and fill with dirt/plants.

Love gardening until the horrific heat of July, August and September comes.

Happy planting,


RE: Finally got some landscaping done

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:17 pm
by mist1953
Hi Bmerri,

You've come a long way since you posted your first photo, everything looks real nice. We've had our place since 84 and I'm just now finsihing up on our landscaping. We are in Mopntgomery County, Illinois and the dirt is like rock. I need a jackhammer to break up the dirt to plant anything. My husband says why bother the only thing that will grow is weeds. You have a very nice place.

RE: Finally got some landscaping done

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:45 pm
by bmerri
If you really like cats, I've got around twenty some and they are all fed good. No mice either. Ha ha. Thought mabey you might like a few more. I'd love to have a shrub rose but buy the time i got done with everything else, it might have to wait till next spring. I really want to add flowers (perrinials) next spring, that will add alot of color. I have to think and not go over bearing with stuff. I've got to look at how big stuff will be after it matures. i really love hostas but don't have a place right now because of to much sun.
mist, in Illinois. You'll be suprised to know where alot closer than you think. We are only a few miles away. We farm too. Good to hear from somebody so close. Thanks for the compliment. I know its not much but i think it sure looks better than what it did and I can't believe everything is still alive.